Cowboys From Hell

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The Whiskey A-Go Go Los Angeles California,
September 13, 1991

As Chris and I stand by the bar, I notice more people coming into The Whiskey and I didn't want to get lost in the crowd.
"Babe... come with me..." Chris says as he takes my hand and leads me closer towards the stage. I take a sip of my drink as we find a perfect spot and I was able to see everything. Suddenly the lights go down and the crowd starts cheering.
"Oh my god... no way!" I yell as I see Rex, Vinny, Phil and Dime come out. My heart started to pound as I squeezed Chris's hand. I feel him look down at me as he smiles and as soon as the opening riff to 'Domination' starts, I couldn't contain it. I just lost my shit and screamed my face off as Chris laughed and yelled with me too. As the famous breakdown part in the middle began to take over, the heaviness mixed with Dime's groove and unbelievable playing sent electricity through my entire being. It was like I was transported to another world where I could just be one with the music.

I threw my hands up in the air and screamed as they immediately went into 'Primal Concrete Sledge' and I swear it was the most intense fucking feeling of anger, aggression, lust, hate, sex... just all a big ball meshed into one. I could feel Chris's hand on my lower back as I threw up the devil sign just losing my shit completely and loving every single second.

"Come and be with me!
Live my twisted dream!
Pro devoted pledge!
Time for Promal Concrete Sledge!!!!"

I screamed along with Phil and Chris laughed and smiled at me, watching me get so pumped up by them. He's never seen me like this before. When we saw Behemoth, I was so nervous with Chris cause that was our first date and I didn't know if he would think it was weird if I just let go and go mental. Pantera though.... Oh my god I couldn't contain it.

".... alright! You guys wanna hear some new shit!?" Phil screams into the mic and we all scream back at him.
"Alright...! I think it's about time to Walk On Home!!!!" He screams and Dime starts with the opening riff to 'Walk' and I almost couldn't take it.

"Can't you see I'm easily bothered by persistence!
One step from lashing out at you!
You want in to get under my skin!
And call yourself a friend!
I've got more friends like you
What do I do!?"

"... RE!... SPECT!... WALK! WHAT DO YOU SAY!?"

I turned around to face Chris and couldn't help myself from jumping up and down, so fucking excitedly. Chris clearly looked like he wanted to get into the pit but was afraid to leave me by myself. Instead, he leaned down to me and pressed his lips to my neck which sent even more shivers all over my body. I then wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he moved his lips to mine. I hungrily moved my lips with his, lacing my fingers through his perfect curls, sucking his irrisistable bottom lip, his hands moving to my hips and up my back , under my shirt, pressing his body to mine, all the while the crowd screamed all around us. It was all I could do to not drag him off somewhere and fuck him like crazy.

"...This next song is called Fucking Hostile...! 1,2,3,4!!!!" Phil screams into the mic and I break my lips away from Chris, jump up and down, throwing my arms straight up in the air like a crazy person as I scream which makes Chris laugh histerically.

"Almost every day!
I see the same face!
On broken picture tube!
It fits the attitude!
If you could see yourself!
You put you on a shelf!
Your verbal masturbate!
Promise to nauseate!"

"To see! To bleed! cannot be taught! In turn! You're making us! FUCKING HOSTILE!!!!" I scream out as I turn to face the stage and see Phil pointing the mic at the crowd for us to scream it out with him. I swear, I never want this to end. Fuck candy, flowers and all that sappy shit... just give me METAL!!!

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