Who Gets Mystified?

790 24 2

Seattle Washington,
November 2, 1990

"No... fuck that doesn't sound right," Chris says to himself as he scribbles on a sheet of paper in front of him. He sat in his room on the floor with his cherry burst Gibson in hand, scribbling the words he could hear in his head.

"I'm looking California... and feeling Minnesota...? No... that sounds ridiculous..." Chris repeats back to himself and scribbles out the words. He then starts to play a tiny little riff on his guitar and starts to think about the line over again.

"I'm looking California...
And feeling Minnesota.... oh yea...

I'm feeling like I'm sober...
Even though I'm drinking...
I can't get any lower...
Still I feel I'm sinking...."

Chris sings softly to himself and scribbles more lyrics down. He stops for a moment and then sits plucking the strings, staring off out the window of his room.

It was weeks since he heard her voice and felt her touch. He understands why she pushed him away a little bit and wanted to give her space, and everything that has been happening with Temple of The Dog, he wasn't sure just how to reconnect back to her again.

"Fuck, this is stupid!" He says angrily and gets up from the floor, walks over to the phone to call her.

"Hey... you know what to do," Her answering machine picks up instead.
"Andi... it's me... Chris... uh... I was just calling you to... oh fuck... I never know how to leave a message on these things... call me if you want... I'll be home... I miss you..."

Chris hangs up the phone and sits back down on the floor in front of the sheet of paper he was scribbling on.

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