Meet The Parent?

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Peterborough Ontario, Canada
January 7, 1990

We arrive at Pearson airport early in the morning and it felt amazing to be back home. The familiar air, much colder than Seattle,  stings my lungs but welcomes me with open arms. I am home.

Chris and I grab our luggage and meet up with Kim. Matt and Jason took a later flight as they had a few interviews to do before landing in Toronto.

"Fucking hell it's cold," Chris shivers as we stand outside the airport waiting for the cab driver to take us to the hotel. He was the one silly enough to wear his baggy black shorts with his Doc Marten's and just a black T-Shirt under his leather jacket.

"I told you so," I say to him as I am obviously more bundled up with my 2 layers of sweaters, my ripped skinny jeans, my Doc Marten's  and my denim jacket with all my band patches on it. It was the dead of winter but there was no snow to be seen, just extremely cold. Kim lights up a smoke and shivers himself.

"Yea but it's like Fucking cold, not just cold... Fucking cold," Kim says as he lets out a puff of his smoke.

"Jeezus, you think you guys were from out west or something," I joke as I look at Kim and Kim squints his eyes at me and smirks sarcastically as I laugh. I for one, even though I had been living in Seattle for a year now, was used to it being minus 20 in the dead of winter here.

"You're just lucky there's no wind," I say.

"Oh fuck that," Chris shivers as his breath forms a cloud around him and I giggle as I rub his back and arm for warmth. The cab finally pulls up and we all hop in and make our way to the hotel.

As soon as we check in, Kim heads to his room and Chris and I head up to ours. Chris opens the door and immediately heads over to the old radiator and stands in front of it for warmth. 

"I told you it was going to be cold," I say as I set my bag down by the bed.

"Uh huh," Chris shivers and turns to face me, sitting on the radiator to warm his butt.

"Ok I thought I knew cold until I got here... I mean what the fuck?!" Chris says and I giggle.

"Well now you know to actually put on pants and a sweater," I say. Chris looks at me under his brow and rolls his eyes.

"What time do you have to head to Peterborough?" He asks as he cups his hands to his lips and breathes to warm them up.

"Um, the bus leaves in about an hour and it takes about and hour to get there, so I'll be back in time for your show tonight,"

Chris nods and then raises his eyebrow, and looks like he's thinking about something.

"What?" I ask as I head over to the bed,  sit down crosslegged and take off my jacket.

"Why don't I just drive you there?" He says.

"Chris... no it's fine... I can just take the bus,"

"No really... We don't have anything planned today... I don't have to be to the venue until like way later tonight for soundcheck... our show doesn't start until 9... and I really don't know this town or your town at all... so why don't I just drive you?" He says and stands up to face the heater, putting his hands out to warm up the last of him.

I thought it over for a few moments not sure if I want him to meet my mother. I start to become nervous as I play over in my head how it might go. My mom was never great at accepting my boyfriends which is why I only had one serious relationship before Chris and even that was a struggle to get her to like him. Though now I see why she didn't. If I had only listened to her. I just don't want her to judge Chris the same way. Chris is the total opposite of my ex, in terms of personality, his looks of course, well I guess you could say I have a type.

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