One And One And...?

937 26 27

Toronto Ontario Canada,  July 26 1992

"Fuck, god damn it," I hear Chris groan as he reaches for the alarm clock on the side table beside the bed. He slams his hand down on the clock and the horrible beeping finally stops.

I turn over onto my side and see him laying on his stomach, his face smushed back down into the pillow, his hair strewn across like usual. I sleepily reach over and rub him between his shoulder blades as he lets out a pleasant moan. It was the morning after their performance at Lollapalooza in Barrie but the only hotel available was in Toronto, which was fine... Barrie isn't that far from Toronto.

"What time is it?" I yawn.
"Too early," He says, his voice muffled with the pillow.

"I must've forgot to turn the alarm off last night," I say as I continue to stroke his back.
"Well... now, you're gonna have to pay," He says into the pillow.
"What?" I giggle sleepily.
"You heard me," He says and I look at him raising my eyebrow though he doesn't see me.
He lifts his head, turning to look at me with his beautiful blue eyes that I love seeing each morning, flipping his hair out of his face then turning himself to pull me into him and he starts to tickle me everywhere.

"Chris! No! Stop!" I squeal.
"You woke me up, now I'm waking you up," He laughs as he continues his tickle torture.
"No! Please!" I laugh but he continues. His torture is too much to bare as I try to move away from him but it's no use. He caught me completely off guard and I have no way to defend myself.

"Ok, ok I'm awake now please stop!" I squeal as he laughs and eventually he stops but still holds me to him, his arm around my waist with my butt somehow now strategically placed against him. He buries his face into the back of my neck and holds me tighter. I try to move a little but he just tightens his grip on me.

"Um... are you gonna let me move?" I ask turning my head towards the ceiling, trying to look at him behind me.
"I wasn't planning on it," I can feel him smirk against my neck. I sigh and attempt to move out of his grasp but he ends up pulling me back again, this time I'm now on my back with him on top of me, his head resting on my breast as he cups it using it as a pillow and sighs.
"Chris...?" I giggle.
"Mmmm...?" He mumbles.
"You're not gonna let me move are you?" I say as I look down at the top of his head, feeling him grip on to me a little tighter as he snuggles more into my chest.
"No," He mumbles sleepily and I giggle at his cuteness. He lays there on top of me and I can feel his fingers gently playing with my nipple. Mornings like these are what I live for. Just being in his arms and waking up to him, I swear, theres no other feeling like it. Even if he is driving me crazy.

"Ok, can I get up now?" I ask with him still playing with my nipple.
"No," He says and I can feel him smirking.
"Yes, my love?" He teases.
"I need to pee and you laying on me is not helping," I say and I hear him chuckle.
But you're so comfortable..." He whines cutley.
"Ok," He gives in and moves off of me. I giggle and climb out of bed. I feel him watch me as I head to the bathroom, his eyes flicking over my curves as I disappear into the bathroom. After a few minutes I come out of the bathroom and grab my hair tie from the hotel dresser, throw my hair up as Chris's eyes wonder over my body as I am still only in my black lacy panties.

"What?" I ask.
"You're just so fucking beautiful... come here..." He smiles slyly at me as he moves to the edge of the bed and reaches for my hand. I laugh as he pulls me to the bed, toppling down on him, his lips placing soft kisses on my throat. I try to lift myself up a little, placing my hands on his smooth toned bare chest, but he just ends up pulling me back to him, his lips softly kissing my collarbone, his beard tickling me in the most perfect way.

"Yes baby...?" He asks as shift myself to straddle him, as he lays back on the bed.
"Why don't we... maybe... head out for some breakfast...? Maybe take a walk downtown or something?" I ask as I trail my fingers over his chest, tracing down along the space between his pecs. He raises his arms up and folds them under his head, his blue eyes wonder over my body, biting his bottom lip as he does so.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now