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Los Angeles California,
September 13, 1991

It was later on that morning and Chris and I had just checked into the hotel before we were to meet the guys downstairs in the lobby to head to an abandoned steel foundry just outside of Los Angeles to shoot the video for 'Outshined'. We dropped our luggage off in the room and immediately headed down into the lobby. Chris and I waited a few minutes but Kim, Matt and Ben still hadn't come down yet so we went into the dining room where the bar was to have a drink while we wait. Chris orders himself a beer and a Jack and Coke for me as we sit down at the bar together, and face each other in the swivel chairs.

"I'm surprised Kim hasn't come down yet," I say as I take a sip.

"Yea... he's usually the first one down here," Chris says and takes a sip of his beer and reaches out to touch my thigh, feeling my skin through the ripped part of my jeans. I just love it when he touches me no matter where we are.

"So do you have anything else to do after the shoot?" I ask.

"Nope... I'm all yours babe," Chris smiles at me with the most adorable look on his face and all I wanted to do was go back up into the hotel room with him, climb into bed and never leave. But, that would be selfish and unproductive, though I could think of all the fun things we could be doing in that bed... ok I need to contol myself.

"Ok so I was going to suprise you after but I should just tell you now," Chris says as he takes a sip, flips his curls out of his face and reaches into the side pocket of his black baggy shorts.

"What?" I ask skeptically as he pulls out an envelope.

"Here," He says as he hands the envelope to me and takes a sip of his beer. I take the envelope from him and raise my eyebrow at him.

"Open it," He says with a smirk, looking like he's trying to hide something. I give him a quisical look and open the envelope.

"Holy Shit...! No... no way...!" I say as I pull out 2 tickets with backstage passes to meet and greet Pantera tonight at The Whiskey A-Go Go.

"Yes way," He smiles at me.

"Chris... what the hell?" I say as I try to hide myself tearing up.

"Well since you took me to Behemoth on our first date, I figured I would take you to see Pantera since I know how much you love them and I know you love Dime since you talk to me about how he plays when you blast it in the truck," Chris says as he looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh my God Chris... I love you," I say a little teary eyed as I get up off my chair, wrap my arms around his neck and crash my lips to his. I could care less that we were at a bar right now, I just needed his lips on mine. He giggles a little with his lips against mine and I start to suck his beautiful pouty bottom lip while his hands move to my hips and then up under my Ramones band shirt, to my back, his fingers gently skipping over my skin. As our lips move together as one, I completley lost myself in the feeling of him, forgetting that we were in the bar of the hotel.

"Feel like coming up for air soon?" I hear Kim say, and I jump, breaking away from Chris and touching my fingers to my lips, remembering his on mine just moments before.

"Fuck man," Chris chuckles, startled himself, as he looks at Kim.
"You ready?" Kim smirks.
"Yea we're ready," Chris says as he looks back at me. Kim turns and walks towards the lobby entrance and I reach in my pocket and throw the bartender a tip as Chris takes my hand and we head out of the hotel.


".... Chris! ok... give me more energy... give me some aggressiveness ok?!" Matt Mahurin, the director calls to Chris from behind the camera.
The set for Outshined was fucking amazing, there was sand everywhere but we were in a steel foundry with tons of barrels and just fire everywhere. At one point Chris was hanging from a chain ladder swinging with the sparks flying and the wind blowing, Chris just looked so god damn good.

Right now, Matt was shooting the last parts of the whole band with Matt up on a drum riser, Ben and Kim just looking so cool and Chris running around, whipping his hair everywhere and doing his famous Cornell stomp. Yes I call it that and he hates it but I don't care, I love it when he does that.

"... ok in 5, 4, 3..." Matt calls out and then cues up the music and Chris does his thing. It was really cool to see how the video was getting filmed.

After about another hour, Matt got all of the footage he needed for the video so Chris and the guys were good to head out. Chris wanted to go back to the hotel room for a little bit before we head out to see Pantera, which I am super excited for.

We arrive back at the hotel and head upstairs to our room. As soon as Chris gets through the door, he kicks off his boots, lifts his black 90 shirt up over his head while his beautiful curls fall down around his shoulders and tosses his shirt onto the chair.

"I'm just going to take a quick shower... I think I have sand in places I shouldn't have sand," He says and I giggle as he turns to face me, taking his wrist cuffs off and setting them on the side table.
"Ok," I say as he walks up to me and places a quick kiss on my lips. He then heads into the bathroom and turns on the shower for the water to get warm. I lay myself down on the bed for a few minutes as he leaves the door open just enough for me to see him examining himself in the mirror. Without even realizing it, I watch him as he continues to look in the mirror. His perfectly toned chest flexing a little as he begins to unbuckle his belt, his hair falling from his shoulders covering his face in which he flips his curls out of the way to see. He catches me watching him and raises his eyebrow at me.

"Enjoying the view?" He says smoothly.

"Maybe," I smirk.

" Want to join me?" He asks and I shrug as I bite my bottom lip.

"Come in with me," He smiles as he opens the door further and nods towards the shower, letting his shorts drop to the floor at his feet. I get up from the bed and take off my clothes slowly and teasingly as Chris watches me. I walk towards him and close the bathroom door behind me as he jumps into the shower first, the water instantly washing over him. I jump in after him as he turns to face me, leans into me and places his lips so gently on mine. After lingering on my lips for a few moments he pulls away and touches his forehead to mine, the water washing over both of us.

"This is the best part of my day, right here... with you," Chris says so sweetly, his eyes closed as he places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him, his chest pressed against mine as the water continues to wash over us.

"I love you so much Chris..." I exhale as I close my eyes, feeling his body pressed to mine.

"To the stars baby..." He says and he presses his lips to mine.

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