Living In The Temple Of The Dog

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Seattle Washington, Lost Loves Clothing Store 

August 21, 1990

I had been back in Seattle for a couple of weeks and it was my first day back to work after coming back from Europe. Chris was enjoying his much needed break. It was now 5 months since Andy passed and Chris was still having a hard time. I'm ok as I have my mom on my mind all the time and making sure she's ok but Chris, well, he is definitely heartbroken. It's hit him harder than anyone else. Andy and Chris shared a bond that no one could compare. I swear if one of them was a girl, I would not be in the picture as they would've been together, and I mean that in the most endearing way.

Anyways, Soundgarden finally found a new bassist. This time, they were able to get in touch with Ben Shepherd and without even asking him to audition, they wanted him in the band. I think they regret not going with Ben in the first place but you know, fate has a way of working itself out. I met Ben the for the first time a few days ago and he is really sweet. Really quiet but really sweet and a total punk but so sweet. The feeling is completely different from Jason all together. Ben just fits.

I was busy hanging up the new arrivals when the door rang and Chris walked in. I will never stop feeling that butterfly feeling every time he walks into a room. He looked so perfect with his hair so soft and curly that flowed passed his shoulders, His black fitted tank top with his black baggy shorts with a dark blue plaid button up shirt tied around his waist and his black suede wrist cuffs with his Doc Marten's.

He had started to grow a beard and I still wasn't used to it yet, but it made him look so different. His young boyish look had disappeared, which I kinda miss but only just a little.
"Hi," He says cutely as he walks up to me.
"Hey," I smile at him, his blue eyes locking onto mine and he leans down and gives me a quick kiss on my lips.
"What are you up to?" I ask as I hang up the shirts in front of me.
"Well... I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me tonight? Jeff and Stone are wanting to hang out in the park tonight... down by the know, light up a bonfire... drink... jam a little..." Chris says as he picks up a New Kids On The Block T-Shirt and makes a face at it. I smirk at him and grab the shirt from his hands and hang it up on the rack.
"Um... yea that sounds cool," I say as I look up at him. He looks down at the rack and starts flipping through some shirts.

"You ok?" I ask after a bit of silence between us.
"Yea... yea I'm... ok," He looks at me and hesitates a little but then offers a smile. I lift myself up and place a quick kiss on his lips and he smiles down at me.

"Well I'll leave you to work I guess but I'll uh pick you up tonight? Maybe around 7?" He asks.
"Sure," I smile at him. He leans back down and presses his lips to mine, this time lingering for a few moments and deepening the kiss with the playfulness of his tongue. He pulls away from me and I reach up to touch his beard. I swear I still wasn't used to it yet but he looked so fucking good I couldn't help myself.

"Ok... Love you baby," He says as he turns from me.

"Love you too..." I say, and with that he disappears out the front door.

Discovery Park Seattle Washington, August 21 1990

"Yes mom, don't worry it's just a night down at the park," I say to my mom while I finish tying up my boot and hold the cordless between my shoulder and my ear. I was waiting for Chris to pick me up to head down to the park for some drinks and a fire and I had just finished getting my clothes on, which was my Aerosmith shirt that I cut and modified and my ripped black leggings, when she happened to call me. I finish tying my boot and walk over to the kitchen to pour myself a pre-bonfire drink and she hears me pour it.

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