You Climbed Inside My World And In My Song

870 26 7

Prague, Czechoslovakia
May 20, 1992

"Alright guys, are we ready?" I ask, looking at the schedule in my planner as we all stand outside the hotel lobby and wait for the tour bus to pick us up.

"Ready to go back to sleep," Kim yawns.
"Yea... I'm with you on that one," Ben yawns as he pushes his poofy bangs aside.

"Ok, so you guys have two interviews looks like they are both set up before you guys go on stage. The first one is... with Vanessa from Headbanger's Ball U.K and the second one is with... I have no idea how to say that... but it's with a German music channel," I say reading from my planner as Chris looks over my shoulder, placing his hand on the small of my back. I can smell his sweet cologne, my favourite of his that he wears.

"Whoo hoo, let's mess with them," Kim says a little miniacally as he puffs his cigarrette.
"You mean like you normally do?" I smirk and raise my eyebrow  at him.

"Well... we're just so good at it," Kim smirks and Chris and I laugh as the tour bus slowly pulls up to the curb in front of us and stops, causing the air breaks to hiss. Kim quickly butts out his smoke and we all pile up on to the bus and soon enough we head out on the road towards the Strahov Stadium.

Strahov Stadium 1992

We arrive outside the stadium entrance and pull up beside GNR's tour bus with a set of outdoor trailers that held a lot of GNR's equipment. We all pile off the bus, while the guys head over to one of the trailers and a member from GNR's management team quickly pulls me aside to speak to me about where the band wants to do their interviews first. The guys from GNR want to meet up with Soundgarden at some point before their performance so I consult my schedule in my planner and discuss how everything is going down. Suddenly I start to feel a little overwhelmed. I have no idea what I'm doing yet I really hope I come across as if I know what I'm doing. I knew this was going to be like this, I just didn't think I had so many decisions to make. Talk about being under pressure.

After everything is planned on how tonight will go, I feel much more confident that I am able to handle everything. I then head over to the trailer where I could see Chris standing outside, puffing on a smoke with his curls gently flowing in the warm spring breeze. He looks up behind his sunglasses and sees me walking towards him and he gives me the cutest smile that makes my insides flutter.

"Hi baby," He says so sweetly.
"Hey... " I smile as I reach him, clutching my planner while the guys head out of the trailer and see me.

"Ok so... Vanessa should be here in a few minutes to do the first interview and then we're supposed to head over to that trailer to do the second one. Then after that, the guys from GNR want to hang out with you for a bit before and to just go over some things with you..." I say gesturing to one of the trailers across from where the bus was parked.

"Cool, so we have time to grab some food right? I'm fucking starving," Kim says.
Yea... there's a buffet trailer just beside GNR's bus you can go into," I say.
"Fuck yea, thanks Andi, " Kim smiles and heads over with Matt and Ben for some food.

I turn back and see Chris smiling away at me as he removes his sunglasses and takes the last drag of his smoke.
"What?" I ask with a giggle.
"Nothing... I just love this side of you," Chris says as he moves closer to me, butting his smoke out on the ground.

"What do you mean?" I giggle again as I look up at him and look into those Irish blue eyes.
"You're so... confident and... taking charge like it's so natural... like it's nothing..." He smiles at me.

"Oh god... I feel the exact opposite though... I'm so nervous and I have no idea what I'm doing and I'm trying not to freak out..." I confess.

"Don't freak out... you got this babe..." Chris says as he leans down to me and places his soft lips on mine. I feel that fluttery feeling inside all over again as his lips move with mine, his hands moving to my hips, pulling me into him. If I'm not mistaken, I think he's finding that my confidence is turning him on.

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