The Rainbow With A Bit Of Whiskey

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Los Angeles, California February 2 1989

A while later Chris leaves to go and meet Kim and Matt to figure out the setlist for tonight and go over any last minute details and I stay in the room to get ready. I wanted to wear something different tonight. I pull out my black mini low cut tank top dress and combine with my Doc Marten's made it look really rock and roll. I left my hair down and curly and added my silver studded wrist cuff. I make sure everything looks good. I check the clock on the wall and it was about the time I needed to go and meet Chris. I grabbed my leather jacket and spare hotel room key and head out the door.

I decide to walk to The Whiskey since we were staying in the hotel that was close and I wanted to check out the downtown strip. I had never been to California before and I was excited to walk down the same strip that Motley Crue and other glam metal bands had walked down. Yes I have to admit, I do like glam metal but only Motley Crue though. I do admit it that I am a crue head... I can't help it. Anyways, I walk down the strip and there were tons of people everywhere. It was almost getting my anxiety going but I knew how to handle myself in large crowds by myself. Hell, I've been to a lot of metal concerts by myself so this is nothing.

Anyways, I make my way to The Whiskey, not without the occasional cat call from guys that looked like Vince Neil wannabe's and just as I make my way to the entrance I see Baz walking towards me. Oh no, oh god no not now. How the fuck did I run into him again.

"Andi...! Holy shit... how are you?"He says as he walks up to me.

"Hi," I say extremely nervously. I feel awkward and not sure what to say as the way we left things in Sacramento, I was crying on my way out of the bar.

"How are you? Is everything ok? How the fuck did I run into you a second time?" He laughs as he leans into me for a hug. I nervously hug him quickly back.

"Beats me," I say awkwardly as we let go of each other

"Are you here with Chris?" He asks.

"Yea... he's playing here tonight... and yea everything's ok now," I say, not wanting to explain or go into too much detail what happened after I left.

"Well fuck... I would ask you to come to The Rainbow tonight cause we're playing too..."Baz smiles at me.

"Cool... " I say and we sort if stand in silence for a few moments.

"Well... you still have my number right? I think I still have yours somewhere...I'll call ya... maybe we can meet up for some drinks or something," Baz says. I look at him a little confused. Does he not remember what happened the other night? I feel like I'm in some sort of twilight zone or something....


"Hey Chris... Susan's here to discuss how we want to go about replacing Hiro," Matt says as he walks up behind Chris.

"What really? She didn't have to come here..." Chris says as he turns to Matt.

"Yea she knows but she wanted to go over stuff with is in person,"

"It could've waited til we got back to Seattle," Chris says as he follows Matt back down the hallway to the dressing room.

"Yea... but you know Susan... she wants things done as soon as possible," Matt says as they walk into the dressing room and see Kim sitting on the couch with Susan in the chair.

Kim nods as Chris walks in the room with Matt and Susan looks up from the chair. It had been a while since she's seen any of them especially Chris. She had her long dark hair slightly curled with her dark brown eyes particularly looking up at Chris. She wore her floor length long sleeve dark brown dress that was low cut in the front, and her Doc Marten boots. She had a bunch of papers sitting in front her on the coffee table depicting the original contract that was signed when they made the move to A&M records.

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