She likes Surprises

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Seattle Washington,
April 3, 1991

A few hours later, I wake up to see the early overcast light coming in through my window. I groan a little as I roll over on to my back and reach for Chris but he wasn't there. I slowly sit up in bed and rub the sleep out of my eyes and I see Chris walk back into my room, wearing only his black boxers, his hair so perfect, resting passed his shoulders, carrying coffee and some fruit in a bowl.

"Hi baby," He says so sweetly as he sets the coffee down on the side table. He climbs up on the bed and sits crosslegged in front of me.
"Hey," I say slightly groggy.
"I thought you might be hungry so I ran down to the store and grabbed a little bit of food for you... you didn't have anything in your fridge..." He says as he sets the bowl down between us and grabs a strawberry takes a bite.

"I'm not really hungry..." I say as I look down at the bowl.
"You should eat something though... here..." He says as he picks up another strawberry and holds it up to my lips. I take a bite and he smiles at me as he eats the rest of the strawberry.

"Did you sleep any better after... y'know... " He asks as he looks down at the bowl and takes another strawberry.
"Meh... not really," I say as I reach over and grab one of the coffee cups off the side table, take a sip and hold the warm cup in my hands. He looks at me while he pecks at some more strawberries and reaches up to brush a stray curl that had escaped my ponytail out of my face. I lean into his palm and reach up to hold his hand to my cheek, feeling his soft warmth against me.

"You probably have to get back to your place soon right?" I ask quietly as I closed my eyes and continue to hold his hand to my cheek.
"No baby... I'm all yours..." He says sweetly as I open my eyes to see him grin at me.

"Is there anything you want to do today?" Chris asks after a few moments of silence and he slowly pulls his hand away to eat some more.
"Lay in bed all day... and cry..." I say as I grab a strawberry out of the bowl.
"Awe... baby..." Chris says sadly and takes my hand in his and places a kiss on my palm.
"But I have to stop by the store and tell Nancy everything in person... I figure I owe her that much since I just left a message on the machine..." I say as Chris holds my hand.

"Ok... we'll do that... and then after, why don't you come with me for a drive...? And maybe we can take a look at a house... or something?" He says. I look at him a little confused.
"A house...?" I ask as he grabs the coffee the side table.

"Uh huh," He says as he takes a sip.
"Since when were you thinking of buying a house...?" I ask him a little surprised.
"I don't know... I just thought maybe it was time to have a place we can call our own..." He says as he takes another sip.
" 'We'?" I ask as I raise my eyebrow.
"Well yea... I want you with me of course... so why don't we get a house together..." He says.
"But I can't afford a house..." I say as I look at him.

"Baby... don't worry... I got you. We're a team remember?" He says as he takes my hand and laces his fingers through mine. He places a kiss on the back of my hand as his blue eyes look into mine.
"Ok so you want to buy a house and have me live with you too?" I say as if I didn't believe what I was hearing.
"Uh huh... well you wouldn't just live with me, you'd own it too," He says as he places another kiss on the back of my hand. I look at him for a few moments to think it over and I honestly didn't know why I was hesitating in the first place. This is what I've always wanted.

"Um... ok... sure... lets buy a house...?" I say in almost disbelief as a smile spreads across his face. He moves the bowl that was between us to the table, places his hands on my hips and pulls me into him as my legs rest on either side of him. He touches his forehead to mine and closes his eyes.

"Do you know how much I love you?" He asks as he takes my hand and laces his fingers through mine. I look at him as he opens his eyes and looks at me under his brow. He then leans into me and presses his lips to mine as he lets go of my hand and cups my face in his palms. I sigh softly against his lips, as I begin to suck his beautiful pouty bottom lip. I then pull away from his lips and touch my forehead to his once again.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now