Where Would I Live If I Were A Man Of Golden Words?

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Seattle Washington, July 22 1992

"Damn it... I don't know what to wear... well who am I kidding I never know what to wear..." I say to myself as I rummage through my dresser drawers.
"What'd you say babe?" Chris says as he walks out of the bathroom, a towel around his hips as he dries his hair with another one.
"Nothing... I'm just... indecisive..." I say still trying to decide on my outfit. After a few moments, I finally decide on my Dead Kennedy's band shirt, since I hadn't worn that in a while and my ripped up black leggings. I pick out my usual black lacy bra and lay them out on the bed. Chris throws the towel he was using to dry his hair onto one of the chairs in the room, walks up behind me and I feel his lips touch my neck and slowly moving to my shoulder. I smile at his soft lips kissing me as his hair falls down around me, with his hands moving to my hips. I turn and face him and place my lips on his, softly sucking his bottom lip, pressing my bare chest to his feeling his warm slightly damp skin from the shower. He parts his lips and touches his forehead to mine as I breathe in his fresh clean scent that tickled my nostrils in the most perfect way.

"Ok... I need to get dressed..." I say as I try to pull away from him. He lets go of me as I pull my hair tie off my wrist, and raise my arms to throw my hair up in a pony tail, my dark curls bouncing as I do so.
"Oh baby...don't do that," Chris says, his blue eyes glancing down at my bare chest.
"Do what?" I ask as I tie my hair up and look at him. His eyes land back at mine for a moment before they wonder back down over my curves as he bites his bottom lip. I giggle knowing full well I'm teasing him but I can't help it. It's so much fun.

"What you're wearing now is perfect..." He raises his eyebrow at me.
"I don't think the guys will appreciate me only wearing panties to the festival..." I say as I finish tying up my hair.
"No, but I do... " Chris says so slyly with his eyes landing back on mine. I just shake my head at him and turn around to put on my bra but instead he grabs me by my hips and attacks my tickle spot with his lips where my neck meets my shoulder, his beard tickling and prickling causing me to laugh.

"Chris..!" I laugh and he stops which surprised me because he usually tortures me a bit more. He then walks over to his dresser to pull out his dark army green button up shirt, and a pair of black pants as I flick my bra at him, like you would do a towel snap but I missed him and he just laughs. Ugh...! That boy sometimes...


Since Bremerton was only just under a 3 hour drive from Seattle, Chris, Kim, Matt and Ben all decided to just take the 2 vans instead of their usual tour bus. Chris was driving the one van while Matt was going to drive the other one with Kim and Ben and meet us at the fairgrounds.

"So... I don't know about you, but I need a coffee," Chris says as we pull out of the driveway of our house.
"Yea... I could use one..." I say as I look down at my planner, going over the schedule for the day. I figure we could use some tunes for the drive so I turn on the radio. After a few moments of searching with nothing interesting on each station, I flip over to the cassette deck and Type O Negative starts blasting through the speakers. So that's where my tape went.

"Hey... I have been looking for this album for a month and I kept asking you where it was and you had it in here all along?" I say as I look at Chris and he just gives me a guilty look.
"Uh... well... yea," He looks back at me innocently as I squint at him jokingly.
" I was just about to buy another copy cause I thought I lost it, and here you stole it from me," I joke.
"I didn't steal it... I just... borrowed it," Chris says as he looks at me.
"When you borrow things from people, you are usually supposed to ask the person before you take it, otherwise it's stealing..." I giggle at him and he looks at me trying not to laugh.
"Ok... well... can I borrow Type O's Slow Deep and Hard?" He smirks at me trying not to laugh.
"Chris... it doesn't count now, you already took it," I say as I giggle at how he said the album title.

Louder Than Love || Chris CornellWhere stories live. Discover now