Loud Love

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Seattle Washington, January 10 1989

It was getting late and I had to work early in the morning so Chris and I decided to leave. We say our goodbyes to everyone, Kim especially gave me a hug and quietly said to me that he was so happy Chris met me, and how he sees such a difference in him. I have a feeling Kim and I will become close friends. We head out to Chris's truck and he drives me home. He opens the door for me and I jump out of the truck. He takes my hand and walks me to my front door.

"Do you want to come in?" I ask as I pull out my keys and stick them in the door.

"No, it's ok... you've got to get up early for work," He says. I turn and look at him.

"You can still come in though..." I giggle a little. He gives me a half smile.

"Chris... whats wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing... nothing I just... I know you've got to work in the morning so..."He says and flips his hair out of his face. I look up at him a little confused. It looks like he wants to tell me something but he's not sure how.

"Ok.." I say quietly and look down then turn to open the door.

"Fuck..." Chris exhales frustratedly and I turn back to him.

"I'm... horrible at expressing my feeling sometimes... just when I think I can, I freeze up and become all self concious..." He says as he turns away from me. I close the door and look at him.

"That's why I can get it out in a song better than I can explain it sometimes I guess... I'm just... fuck me..."

"Chris...?" I say quietly. He then turns back to face me and flips his hair out of his face. He stands in front of me in silence just looking into my eyes.

"Andi..." He trails off and I look at him. My heart starts to pound. What is he trying to say?

"I love you... I'm so fucking in love with you... which is scaring the shit out of me..." He confesses and looks down at his feet. My heart was pounding so hard I though it was going to fly out of my chest.

He loves me. Holy fuck! I cannot explain this feeling. I didn't know what to do. Actually I did know what to do. I moved closer to him, grabbed his face and pressed my lips hard to his. I could tell it startled him at first but then he moved his hands to my hips and pulled me into him as I sucked his bottom lip. The feeling that washed over me was something I couldn't explain. I had to tell him. I broke away from his lips and touched my forehead to his.

"I'm so fucking in love with you too..." I breathe. He looks at me and smiles as my eyes were still closed trying to catch my breath. I open my eyes and moved my forehead from his. He looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes and I swear I could loose myself in them forever. He leans back down and presses his lips to mine again, flicking his tongue against my top lip. Our tongues play with each other, battling for dominance but eventually mine wins. He pulls away from me, both of us out of breath.

"Do you want to come in?" I breathe.

"Uh huh," He breathes and I place my hand on the door as he crashes his lips to mine again. He leads me inside, our lips not breaking away from each other and he kicks my door closed. I break away from his lips and quickly take off my jacket, my plaid shirt and my boots and toss them by the door as he kicks off his boots and tosses his leather jacket somewhere. I smirk at him as he flips his hair out of his face and then crashes his lips back to mine again. I suck his bottom lip as he pulls me closer to him moving me over to the couch. His hands move from my hips down to the bottom of my dress, his fingers trailing up my thighs as I lace my fingers through his hair.

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