The Whiskey

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The Whiskey A-Go Go Los Angeles California,
September 13, 1991

It was later on in the evening and Chris and I were getting ready to head to The Whiskey to see Pantera. I was so freaking excited that I was having a hard time deciding what to wear. I know for sure I want to wear my new Pantera shirt but I want to look extra sexy for Chris and couldn't decide on what to go with my shirt. I had modified the shirt just like I do with my other ones but I decided to make some last minute modifications to it. I cut the collar a bit lower, but just enough that I didn't ruin the graphic on the front and I decide to tie up the laces I made at the back a little more snug so that it hugged me a little more and revealed a little bit of my torso. Now I normally don't do that but I as I looked at myself in the full length mirror, I actually could pull it off without looking horrible. I also decide to go with my black distressed ripped leggings and went with my new oxblood red Doc Martens.

I threw my hair up in my ususal messy bun with some stray curls escaping, finished my make up fairly quickly and reached into my bag to spritz some of my favourite perfume.

"Yea...?" He calls from the bathroom.
"Have you seen my... studded bracelet thingy...?" I say as I search my bag.
"No babe... just give me a minute here," He calls and as soon as he says that I find it.

"Nevermind I got it," I say and I hear him laugh. I smirk as I put on my wrist cuff and walk over to the bathroom to see Chris in his Doc Martens, black jeans with his leather belt, his black wristcuffs but still shirtless with a towel as he shaves his face, and trims his beard. His smal silver hoop earrings, slightly poking through his long curls, shone in the bathroom light as he leans in closer to the mirror, making sure there were no mistakes. I stand and lean against the door frame watching him as he shaves. He rinses his razor under the running water, turns off the tap and dabs his freshly shaven face with the towel, removing the leftover shaving cream.

"You almost ready?" I ask as he turns and looks at me up and down noticing just what I was wearing.
"Uh... huh," He says slowly as he hangs up the towel not taking his eyes off of me.

"What...? Do I look ok?" I ask a little worried and look down at myself.

"Oh... you look more than ok... damn..." He says as I look back up at him to see him looking like he's trying to not attack me. I smirk as I walk away from the door frame and he follows behind me and wraps his arms around my waist as his lips graze the back of my neck. I laugh as his beard tickles me and he giggles with his lips against my skin.

"Ok... ok, Chris... we have to get outta here," I laugh as I turn around in his arms to face him. He presses his lips to mine as I lace my fingers through his curls and slowly suck his perfect bottom lip.
"Ok," He groans when he breaks away from me and touches his forehead to mine. He holds me for a few moments, then places a quick kiss on my forehead, breaks away from me to put on his plain black muscle tank.

"Alright babe... ready?" He asks as he grabs the tickets and the hotel key from the small table beside the door.
"I am so fucking ready!" I say excitedly as he smiles at me and we head out the door.


We arrive at The Whiskey a little bit early which was perfect for us to get a good spot towards the front of the stage. Chris hands the tickets to the bouncer at the door, he stamps our hands and then Chris leads me inside.

As Chris takes my hand, he leads me through the small crowd that had started to form and up to the bar to grab a drink. He orders me a Jack and Coke and a beer for himself as I look towards the stage to see some of Pantera's roadies testing out the equipment before the show starts.

" Hey you're Chris... Chris Cornell right?" A young tall dark haired guy, who looked to be around my age, says to him as Chris finished ordering our drinks
"Uh... yes, yes I am," Chris smiles.
"Fuck this is awesome! I love what you guys do... your music is amazing man! I just wanted to say that. You have no idea what your music means to me," The kid smiles wide eyed at him.

"Thank -you," Chris smiles a little shyly at him.
"I had no idea you were a Pantera fan, this is so freaking cool!" The kid smiles.

"Uh yea... I got tickets for my wife here... she loves them... what's you're name?" Chris asks as I turn to see them conversing.
"My name's Jon... fuck this is so freaking cool!" Jon smiles.

"Well Jon, nice to meet you... this is my wife Andi," Chris says as he shakes Jon's hand and then looks at me and I feel so weirdly shy but this kid was really sweet though.

"Hi," I say shyly as Chris puts his arm around my waist.
"Hi.. I didn't interrupt a date or anything did I?" Jon asks worriedly

"No it's ok," I re-assure him and I feel Chris smile at me.

"Ok cool.... um... I'm gonna head back to my spot but... um... it was so cool to finally meet you... thank you man," He says and Chris shakes his hand again.

"Well, you're welcome... thank you," Chris says sweetly.
"No,  thank you," Jon smiles and turns to disappear into the increasing crowd.

"That was so sweet," I say as I look up at Chris.
"What was?"Chris asks as he takes a sip of his beer.
"That... you... you're just so sweet," I say as I look up at him. He smiles shyly back at me as I lift myself up and place a kiss on his cheek.

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