You Come Into Me, I Crash Into You

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Seattle Washington,
January 13, 1992

We arrive back at home and as soon as we get through the door, Chris immediately takes off his leather jacket, and hangs it up by the door. I decide I need a drink and something to munch on so I toss my folder on the table by the door, take off my leather jacket, hang it up, grab my hair tie from the same table and quickly throw my hair up in a messy bun as I walk towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge.
"Maybe," He says as he walks towards the kitchen doorway, his heavy footsteps from his Doc Martens thudding against the hardwood floor.
I stand in front of the fridge trying to decide what to pull out to eat and I see the leftover chocolate cake that I baked last night.
"Fuck it," I say to myself and pull out the cake from the fridge and grab a beer as well and turn to set them on the island counter behind me.
"Beer?" I ask Chris as I turn back to the fridge.
"Sure," He says sweetly as he walks over to the counter island and stands opposite of me. I grab him a beer and open it and hand it to him. He grins at me as he takes a sip while I turn my attention to the chocolate cake in front of me.

"Want some cake?" I ask as I unwrap the plastic film from it and I can feel him smirking at me.

"What?" I say as I dip my finger into the icing on top and taste its sugary sweetness.
"Nothing," Chris smirks at me as he takes another sip.
"Do you want some...?" I ask again looking at the cake, this time taking a piece with my fork and placing it into my mouth. Chris still says nothing but moves closer to me as he watches me take a bite. I then take another piece with my fork and look up at him as I bring the tiny piece on the fork to his lips. He keeps his eyes on me as he takes the piece into his mouth and relishes in the sweet chocolate.
"Damn... thats really good," He says as I smile at him.
"Yea?" I say and turn my attention to take some for myself again. Just as I take a piece on to my fork, he takes his finger and dips it into the icing and suddenly wipes it on my nose.

"It uh... looks like you missed," He laughs as licks the icing off his finger. I smirk at him, raising my eyebrow, while he continues to laugh at me.
"Uh huh," I smirk and take some of the icing from the cake on my finger and wipe it on his nose.

"I guess you missed too," I smirk as I lick the icing off my finger, trying to hold my laughter while he smirks back at me and sets his beer down on the counter.
"Here... I want to try something..." He chuckles. He then takes some more icing from the cake and wipes some of it on my cheek, then licks it off his finger.

"Perfect," He laughs as I try not to look annoyed at him.
"Really?" I say as I grab some more icing and wipe it down his cheek.

"Ok, ok... come here, let me clean it off you," He laughs as he moves closer to me, but instead I wipe more icing on him, this time on his neck just under his jawline.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had more on my finger," I say innocently trying hard not to laugh. He then raises his eyebrow at me as he somewhat pins me to the counter island.  He takes some icing and wipes some down my neck under my jawline, mirroring where I placed the icing on him.
"Me neither," He says with his mood softly changing. What started out as a playful, seemingly innocent food fight, has now become something else entirely.

"Here... let me... fix that..." I trail off as I move closer to him, licking the icing slowly off my finger, knowing that I was beginning to tease him. Then placing my lips on his neck where I had placed the icing, I lick to his jawline, moving my lips softly against his skin, hearing him moan low and deep as I stop and slowly move away. I then take his hand and with the left over icing that was left on his finger, I move it to my lips and slowly lick the icing off, softly sucking every last bit, never taking my eyes away from his.

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