Mine, Is The Heart You Stole

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Las Vegas, Nevada
August 6, 1991

The next morning, I wake up in the hotel room as the early morning sun shines through the hotel window. I flutter my eyes open to find Chris's arm wrapped around me, in his usual position with his face half buried in the pillow, his curls strewn across his face and his breathing slow and deep, so comforting as his chest rises and falls. I move a little against him and he moans ever so softly as I look down at his hand holding me, his solid white gold wedding band sparkling in the sunlight.

I smile to myself as I close my eyes, feeling him breathe behind me. I move my hand to cover his and notice how perfectly our rings match each others. I never would've thought in a million years that this would have happened. Thinking back to that first night I met him, 3 years ago, I knew there was something about him. I just never thought I would be here in his arms as his wife.

I move a little to roll on to my back, his arm never moving from mine and I listen to him as he sleeps. After a few moments I suddenly feel him move as he rolls over on to his back, his arm moving from me to push the curls out of his face. I look over at him as he rubs his eyes to rid the sleep and then looks at me blinking so adorably trying to focus.

"Hi," He says groggily.
"Hey," I say still sleepily as I look at him, the slight stubble on his cheeks, his toned smooth bare chest, the blanket only covering him up to his hips.
"What time is it?" He asks with a yawn.
"Early..." I say as I turn to look up at the ceiling and close my eyes again.
"You sleep ok?" He asks so sweetly.
"Uh huh," I mumble as he continues to look at me. I feel him take my left hand in his and he brings it up to his lips, gently grazing them across the back of my hand, placing soft gentle kisses down to my wrist and back up again. I slowly smirk though my eyes remain closed as his lips continue to brush across the back of my hand.

"So... Mrs Cornell... what would you... like to do today...?" He says in between his kisses.
"Stay here forever and never leave this spot," I slightly mumble becoming more relaxed with each touch of his lips.
"Done," He says, his lips against my palm and I giggle.

"I'm sorry babe... we can't though... We gotta get back home... I gotta show in Olympia we gotta do tonight..." He says still brushing his lips across the back of my hand.
"I know..." I sigh, my eyes still closed. He moves and lifts himself up to prop his head up on his elbow all while still holding my hand. I turn and look up into his beautiful blue eyes then move myself to snuggle into his chest.

"I don't want to go and face the world just yet... I just want to stay here with you... just for a bit longer," I say quietly as he places a kiss on the top of my head.
"I'm not gonna argue with that," He chuckles a little as I reach up and play with his curls that spilled across his chest. I then start to trace my fingers over his chest, feeling the soft smoothness of his skin. I shift myself a little and softly place gentle kisses on his toned chest, moving my lips to his nipple and circling my tongue around.

"Baby..." He sighs, my hand moving down his stomach and even lower, reaching his well endowed very erect shaft and I slowly massage him in my palm. He moans as his breath hitches while I begin to pump my hand up and down, feeling him become more tense. He moans a little louder and I stop to push him over onto his back while I move myself on top to straddle him.

"You... are so fucking beautiful," He breathes while he moves his hands to my hips to help support me. I close my eyes and bite my bottom lip as his fingers trail slowly over my hips and to my clit, softly stroking, sending electrical sensations all over my body.
"I want you inside me baby," I breathe, my eyes still closed as I begin to move my hips, responding to his touch.

Without hesitating, feeling how wet I've become with his touch, he eagerly guides himself inside me. His first thrust is slow but firm, sending shockwaves of pleasure all over my body. I place my hand over his while he continues his various rubbing patterns on my clit, guiding and showing him just how I like it.
Chris suddenly lifts himself into a seated position, moving his hands to my hips and around to my back, pressing his chest against my breasts and crashing his lips to my throat.

"Oh god, you feel so good inside me," I whimper as I begin to grind my hips against him, matching his thrusts and moving my hands to lace my fingers through his hair.  His lips graze against my throat, feeling his warm breath on my skin sending even more shivers of bliss throughout my body. Then in one movement, he flips me over so that he is on top of me all the while not loosing any rhythm at all. As I wrap my legs around his waist, I raise my arms above my head and he reaches up and laces his fingers through mine, thrusting firmly and picking up the pace.

His incredible blue eyes lock onto mine as our movements become one with each other, matching each rhythm, fitting together like a perfect puzzle piece. I suddenly feel that beautiful familiar feeling deep within me, my muscles contracting, free falling through time and space. Chris moans as I grip him in a way that only I can and the waves of pleasure wash over me like a tidal wave. He cries out with me as we both reach the pinnacle of our orgasm together, spilling his warm liquid within me.

I attempt to catch my breath as he softly collapses on top of me, his face buried in my neck, his lips flushed as they brush across my skin. We stay this way for a little while, coming back down to earth from our incredible high. He lets go of my hands and wraps his arms around me, still placing soft fleeting kisses from my earlobe down to my collarbone. After a few moments he moves himself off of me and draws me back into him, returning to the position that we started from.

"Chris...?" I say quietly and dazed from the events that took place.
"Yes baby?" He says sleepily with his eyes closed.
"When do you think we should tell everyone?"
"Soon," He says.
"Chris...?" I ask after a few moments of silence.
"Mmmm...?" He mumbles, half falling asleep.
"Do you know how much I love you?" I say quietly as I snuggle back into his perfect chest.
"To the stars baby... now shhh... sleep time," He mumbles and I giggle a little, then falling back into a wonderful sleep in his arms.

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