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Jens POV

Oh good lord I fell back asleep. Hmm... Still in the same position as when Harry left.

I went to get up but gasped and laid back down, startled by the jolting pain in my back. I have a few bad discs in my lower back that have been giving me problems for the last year but the last month it's been getting worse.

I took a deep breath and got up slowly. It's these moments I wish Harry were here.

I finally got up and slowly got going and realized it was time to go for my appointment.

I stood at the door trying to decide if I wanted to call Leah to come with me or go it alone. Ehh I've made it this far. I might as well just go.

I. Am. Terrified.

I pulled in the hospital parking ramp and sat in my car for a bit before heading inside.

Walking in and looking around I remembered, I hate hospitals. The last time I was in one, I was in New York the day my grandma died. They say there was nothing else they could do for her but I don't buy it. I miss her so much. She'd know exactly what to say to calm me down and put my head back where it needs to be.

I snapped back to reality when I saw the sign that said '5th floor OBGYN'.

I was biting my nails in the elevator and as I walked into the waiting room.

'Can I help you ma'am?' A lady asked.

'Oh.. me? Duh of course me. Okay. Yes! I'm here to see Dr. Will, 10:00. It's Lopez. Umm.. Jennifer.'

'Ok I'll let him know you're here, have a seat'.

I was the only one in the waiting room. Odd, LA is a big city. I just want to get this over with.

Deep down I know I want a baby but I don't want to go through hell to have one. With Max and Emme, I had no bad symptoms and it was a breeze. I even had a C-section. No labor even.

Pregnancy, childbirth and kid magazines everywhere. God I feel like I'm gonna puke or pass out or better yet, both!

'Ms. Lopez?' A nurse said, 'you're up'.

We went into an exam room and I explained my symptoms to the nurse.

I have a urine sample and I guess they were still testing that when the doctor walked in.

He must've been in his 40's, decent looking, hopefully good at what he does. 'Hi I'm Dr. Will. Let's see if your pregnant shall we?'

I got up on the exam table by the ultrasound machine and said 'sure why not? But I'm not gonna lie, my hands are shaking and I'm very lightheaded'.

He patted my arm and said 'just take a few deep breaths'.

He pulled my shirt up and turned on the machine. He talked about American Idol with me and made me laugh a few times talking about Harry and I didn't even bother to look at the screen!

Wiping the gel off my belly he said 'I'll be right back, why don't I help you back to the chair?'

He helped me sit and walked out of the room.

I sat there with my face in my hands for at least 10 minutes. What if I'm pregnant? What will I do? It's dangerous for me to be pregnant! What's Harry gonna think!?

The doctor finally walked in and sat in the chair right in front of me and rubbed his fingers on his temples just like I do when I'm stressed.

I realized I'd bitten one nail almost clean off.

He cleared his throat and said 'ok Jennifer. I went over your medical records and files. That gave me a scare. I just got the results of your urine test and after looking at the ultrasound I'm 100% sure you are definitely pregnant. Not much more than a month along. Congratulations'.

I just started crying. There was nothing else to do.

I looked at the doctor and said 'I'm pregnant and Harry's the father and I'm gonna have a baby. Oh god no. This has to be a dream! I can't be awake..'

Dr. Will rubbed my arm and said 'no it's real Jennifer. Just calm down, deep breaths. I'll need to see you at least once a week'.

I just left and drove home. By the time I got there it was 2pm.

I absolutely can not believe this.

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