You Sneaky Brat

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Jens POV

I want to get off the bed and look at the results of my pregnancy test but im so fucking nervous.

Do I even want another baby? Whats Harry gonna think? I don't want to deal with all that pain again... especialy having six other kids to take care of! Oh my god! My mind is in a billion different places at once.

I sat up on the bed.. thats one step closer.

Stand up Jennifer. Walk to the bathroom.

I closed my eyes and picked up the test, holding my breath.

I flipped it over and opened my eyes.

Oh god.

Harrys POV

'Daddy can we get a cake'?, Max whined.

'Yeahhhh'! Emme repiled.

Shopping with little kids is slightly overwhelming. 

Georgia went to a friends house and I got stuck with the twins...

'No, we're just getting things to make a cake.. moms gonna make a chocolate coconut cake', I replied.

'But i'm starving', Max said.

'Then we can go to McDonalds on the way home. IF you stop bugging me for food'.

He just sighed.

God theres no coconuts here... Shes gonna have to make it work with cherries and almonds.

'Daddy, she wanted a coconut', Emme informed me.

'I know she wanted a coconut. But there isn't any'.

'Why is it called a nut? Its a fruit', Max said. 

'No its a nut... It grows on a tree' I replied.

'Fruit grows on trees'.

'I don't know Max. Just go with it'.

I kept zoning out...

'Guys what does mom put in her water? Cucumbers or Limes..'?

'Ummm....Ice'... Max said.

'OK she gets both. I hate shopping', I muttered under my breath.

We got back home and I unpacked the groceries. Emme and Max ran outside to play.

I put everyting away and went up to find Jen. She was sitting on the bed.

'Harry why are you holding a lime'? she asked, raising her eyebrow

'I dont freaking know. I hate shopping'.

'Kay then, can you go grab my phone off the bathroom counter after you deal with your lime situation'? she asked.

I tossed her the lime and walked into the bathroom. There is something sitting on her phone.

A pregnancy test.


I ran back out and stared at her.

'You sneaky brat. Are you pregnant!?', I yelled, practically in tears.

She started laughing and stood up. 'Yeah Papi, I am'!

'Come here babygirl! Oh my god', I said and pulled her into my arms.

'Jenny baby, i'm so excited. This is perfect. You're perfect', I said as I held her close.

She squeezed me tighter and just giggled.

I rubbed her belly and kissed her neck.

'This is insanity', She laughed.

'Agreed. Perfect insanity. I love you so much', I said.

'I love you too Harry... but i'm gonna puke if you keep squeezing me like this', she said.

'Understood.... do you want me to put this lime in some water or something'?, I said, picking it back up.

'You're a dork. Just shut up and make me some food'.

'Yes Ma'am'.

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