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Harry's POV

I carried her in the emergency room and they immediately got her to an exam room.

She almost immediately fell unconscious.

I was holding her hand and kissing it.

'Her heart rate and blood pressure are both dangerously low' I heard a doctor say urgently.

A doctor was doing an ultrasound. 'Stay with me mama' I whispered.

'Ok get prepped for emergency surgery! We start in 5 minutes!' The doctor yelled.

"What the hell-" I started to say, "you've got one minute with her, I'll explain later" the doctor said and rushed out of the room.

I was shaking. This is all happening too fast. I just started crying. I took her delicate hand and kissed it, then her cheek.

"Jennifer baby I love you. I love you more than anyone ever loved anything. Until forever runs out of days. I need you to be okay. I love you" I said. As soon as the words left my mouth the doctor came and took her out of the room.

"I love you..." I whispered, crying.

I took a deep breath and sat down but I couldn't. I just paced around with my face in my hands until a doctor walked out.

"Listen sir, she lost the baby"

"That's not supposed to happen"! I yelled.

"Sir calm down. No it's not supposed to happen. Jennifer is a special case. Her body turned against itself and suddenly saw the baby as say, a disease that needed to be fought off and... I'm so sorry. She should be out of surgery in an hour and you can be there when she wakes up".

"Is she going to be okay"?

"Yes, as soon as the baby is surgically removed she should be back to normal"

"She's gonna be devastated"

"I'm sorry Harry. There's was no other way. She was dying. She's can go home today but she has to be watched closely for the first week and you'll have to clean her stiches, she'll be sore'.

He walked away and I sat there speechless and blamed myself. I'm the one who got her pregnant. After she told me it was dangerous for her to be pregnant. She's gonna hate me.

It was the longest hour of my life.

I walked into where she was. Still under the medication.

She was moved to a recovery room and taken off the medication. The doctor left us alone.

I sat on the edge of the bed by her , kissed her forehead and gently took her hand.

She opened her eyes and looked around. 'Where am I..'?

I carefully explained everything to her.

I finished and just looked at her.

Her mouth opened but nothing came out.

I silently wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my chest.

A few hours later we got home and I got her settled into bed.

I rubbed her back and said 'I love you Jennifer'

'I love you too Harry'.

'Im sorry' I whispered.

'Its not your fault papi. Don't blame yourself. Just hold me'.

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