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Harry's POV

I hope Jennifer is ok. I hate seeing her so sick.

I walked into the American idol studio, pretty stressed out.

'Hey man!', I turned to see Keith.

'Oh hey, how are you?' I asked.

''Im great, what about you? And where's Jen?'

'Ive been better. Jens not feeling well, she had a meeting this morning but she's gotta be home now.' I replied.

'Hey you seemed stressed out, just go home, I don't even know why we're here today'.

'Ok, thanks Keith, I'm worried about her'.

I went out to the car and called her but she didn't answer. Probably just sleeping.

Jens POV

I got home and sat in the car for a good 10min. I'm just so scared and in so much pain.

I got inside and just leaned on the counter with my head in my hands.

What am I gonna do? I'll just make dinner. Chicken soup, that should take my mind off things.

I didn't even have time to think things over when I heard Harry's car pull in.

Oh my god what am I gonna tell him? What is he back so early!?

He walked in and gave me a kiss.

I was standing at the island in the kitchen cutting carrots.

He went and sat on a stool on the other side and said 'I came home early. I missed you' he smiled and said.

'I see', I replied. Honest to god I'd never been so nervous in my life. My hands were starting to shake and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

'Jen you're shaking! Put that knife down.. What's wrong?' He said.

'Harry I'm pregnant'. I just blurted it out and just turned, throwing up in the sink.

Harry's POV.

I ran over to her and pulled her hair back, with one hand on her waist, holding her steady. She was so weak.

'Oh sweetheart. I'm happy! You're gonna have a baby! But I thought... Oh god Jennifer. Are you gonna be okay?'. I remembered her saying how dangerous it was for her to be pregnant.

'I- I need to sit papi.' She stuttered.

I helped her walk to the couch and sit. I sat down by her.

She pulled out the ultrasound pictures and showed me and a paper that the doctor typed up for her:

No dancing or concerts. Need to see you once a week until 5 months, then twice until the end of your pregnancy. Take it very easy and be as calm as possible if you want this pregnancy to work. Be prepared for a very tough road ahead.

Good luck, Dr. Will.

'Oh baby, come here'. I said, and she buried her face in my chest, clenching my shirt and crying.

'I don't know if I can do this Harry. I'm scared. All these changes. In one day! And I don't want to lose you', she cried.

I rubbed her back and said 'Jennifer baby, I'm not going anywhere. I love you so much. And I love our baby too'.

She calmed down a little and I rubbed her belly and said 'I love you Jen, we can get through this together. I promise I'll never leave you sweetheart.'

I kissed her forehead and picked her up and took her up to bed, laying her down carefully.

She wiped her eyes and said 'lay by me? Please?'.

I climbed in next to her and kissed her.

She just snuggled against me and fell asleep. Although I'm scared for her, I can't wait to start this new chapter in my life with the most amazing woman I've ever met.

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