Not Fair

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Harry's POV

3 weeks later....

I can't believe that in less than two weeks the love of my life is going to be gone.

She has to live in the hospital now. She's to weak.

Today the kids are coming to spend the day here with her for the last time. Her mom is taking them to Florida for two weeks to put their minds somewhere else when she goes.

I can't think about it to much, I just break down.

I was sitting in the hospital bed by her, just holding her hand.

The doctor came in and had a seat as well.

'Here's what I suggest', he said, 'You have a C-section to have the baby. But, you aren't gonna survive the surgery. As soon as the medication hits your blood stream, you will start to fade. It will take 30-45 minutes for you to go out completely. And the surgery will take 25-35 minutes to complete, so there is a chance you will see your baby. If you have him naturally your body won't survive labor and you risk losing Nathan too'.

She was crying.

She took a deep breath... 'The surgery. I wanna have Harry by me when I die, I wanna see my baby and I don't want to be in overwhelming pain'.

She looked at me.

'Its ok. I just... It's. I'm.. Its not ok. Just as ok as it can be in this situation I guess. I don't want you to be in any pain', I said starting to choke up.

The doctor wrote some stuff down and left.

She grabbed my hand, 'Please don't cry. Save it for the end. I want the Harry I fell in love with', she said, a tear rolling down her cheek.

'Im sorry. You're right..' I said and wrapped my arms around her.

An hour later I brought the kids to say their goodbyes and spend the afternoon with her.

They were all laughing at her story of how tongue tied I was when I met her for the first time.

I was trying not to cry because we all knew this was the last time they'd see her.

Even Georgia was there.

They had a flight to Miami at 8pm. It was 7.

Jen had been strong all day but they all hugged her at the same time and she completely lost it.

She took a deep breath.

'I love you all so much. So much. Please don't ever forget it. When you feel alone, I promise you aren't. I will always be with you. I would never leave any of you. Never. I never will. Don't cry over me to much my babies, have fun with life. Don't be too serious because life on earth is only a short time. This isn't the last time you guys are going to see me. We will meet again someday. It's gonna be hard at first but don't let my absence keep you from living. I love you all'.

She hugged, kissed and soothed them all individually and they went with her mom to the waiting room to wait for me to come say bye. I was just standing there holding a sleepy Shayliene.

'Papi bring her here', Jen said.

I set her on her Jennier's lap for the last time.

'Hi mommy', She said innocently and started playing with Jen's hair.

Shes 2 years and 3 months & a mirorr image of her beautiful mother. She has Jennifers sweet, silly personality already and the exact same eyes.

'Hi sweetie', Jen said, running her fingers through her hair while she yawned, rubbing her eyes.

I pulled out my phone and pressed record so I could show Shay someday.

'Are you sleepy babygirl'? Jen whispered.

Shay shook her head yes.

'Shayliene.. mommy loves you. I love you so much baby'.

'I love you mommy', Shay said in her sweet little voice.

'Can I have a kiss'? Jen smiled that smile that could convince anyone to do anything.

Shayliene smiled back and pecked her lips, throwing her arms around Jens neck.

She yawned and laid her head on her chest.

'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away', Jen sang beautifuly while she rubbed her back. That was the lullabuy she sang her ever since she was only days old.

Shay was asleep.

Jen kissed her head and wiped a tear away.

'I love you so much baby. You have daddy, you'll be just fine. Be good for grandma. I will always be watching over you. Take care of your baby brother for me. I love you, my precious angel', She said and kissed her cheek. 

I scooped her up and walked her to the car with Jens mom and the rest of the kids.

I came back in and sat by Jennifer.

She burried her head in my chest and cried, finally really crying, without holding back for the kids sake.

I held her to me and rubbed her shoulder.

'Harry i'm never gonna see them again', she sobbed.

'You will, just like you said', I whispered.

'I love them so much. This isn't fair'.

'I know mama... trust me.. I know'.

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