Chapter Three: Friendly Fire

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"Melody! Mel! Wake up!"

Someone was shaking me roughly, and I winced, opening my eyes.

Brooke was above me, and I realized my head on her lap. My mouth was dry and I coughed, wishing I had a canteen of water.

I heard a sigh of relief from Brooke, and she helped me stand, guiding me to my tent. She grabbed my shoulders and shook me, concerned but furious.

"Don' that again. Do you hear me? If you need to go to bed then do so, don't nearly fall into the fire! Do you hear me?!"

I looked up and found her face pale rather than her usual dark tan. I had scared her, her and the others, who were there too.

"Sorry guys," I whispered. I was such a dunce. My first friends in a new tribe and I had already messed things up. Like always.

Brooke said firmly, oblivious to my thoughts, "Just do us a favor and go to sleep. You can eat breakfast in the morning." She closed the curtain to my tent and I fell on the bed, instantly pulled into the land of dreams.

I woke early the next day and prepared breakfast for everyone, as a sort of apology. I didn't want them worrying after me when they already had their hands full with what they did for the tribe.

The cover of Dakota's tent rustled. He emerged, taking a piece of last night's deer, not looking at me. For a moment, I'm afraid that he wouldn't talk to me because of yesterday. His hair falls over his face and I resisted the urge to brush it away like I did do my brothers. I had every morning to wake them at sunrise until today.

Dakota spoke in a voice so low I had to lean forward to hear. "You idiot. Next time just ask someone else to take over."

His response wasn't unlike what Adrian would say to me, except his tone would've been much more nonchalant. I felt a twist in my heart whenever I remembered he was with the Serpentine. I was probably not going to see him for years, so best not to think of it.

Dakota frowned, "You okay? It's like you're off in space or something."

Why does everyone always ask me that? It's not like I look sad all the time or anything. I used to correct people but gave up on it a long time ago. Things would never change, no matter how hard you tried. I'd learned that the hard way.

I glanced at him, "I'm good, just lost in thought. I'll go wake the others, could you start the fire and heat up breakfast?"


Gently nudging them awake, I let them get dressed while I sorted through our supplies.

One thing I'd already picked up on from our mini pack was that everyone was fiercely protective of the other members. We had each other's backs, something uncommon with Felines. Felines were mostly lone members. Sure we would socialize and all, but something about their second forms would drive them apart, always keeping distance.

We gathered around the fire and Jerry groaned. "You let Dakota cook? Now we'll all die of food poisoning."

Brooke tsked and rescued the chunk of burning meat. She scraped off the burnt parts and put it back on the spit over the fire.

"Did I get any better?" Dakota mumbled, looking embarrassed, his fair skin slightly flushed.

"Nope!" Brooke said cheerfully, "At least it's not as burnt as last time."

My stomach growled and Brooke laughed, handing me a piece. Savoring each bite I listened to the bird songs, for once at peace.

Finishing up with breakfast, we started to take down the tents and packed up our supplies. I filled my satchel up, grateful for the gear.

We were nearly done when our Alpha gave the command to start moving, and we scrambled around. Ending up in the back of the pack, we shifted, trying to catch up.

I felt a weird sensation as I did. My bag was out of sight, but I still felt its weight on my back. Asking Raymond about it, he just shrugged, not exactly caring. Where our stuff went when we shifted was no concern to him.

Side by side, we covered miles of land, each step taking us closer to the mountains. I could now see them in the distance, their snowy peaks the tallest landmark around.

Ray came up and said, pointing with his nose, "You see the really tall one over there? That's our mountain. We live in the caves around the middle and hunt above and below. Still gotta get out of this forest first, though."

From the trails on the ground that we were following, thousands of Lupine had come before us. It was a little breathtaking, walking in the paws of those who came long before we had ever been born.

We came to a stop beside a huge lake, shifting back into human form, and Alpha Micha stepped forward, a large chunk of raw meat in his hands. He threw it into the lake and the peaceful surface shook and then broke.

All at once the surface erupted and a huge water serpent reared into the sky. Everyone backed away except me, who stood there, numb, and Alpha Micha, whose job it was to show no fear.

The serpent glared at us all once before sinking back into the water's depths. The water rippled and became still again.

And to think I was about to dip my feet into the water.

The first years like me didn't know what to make of it. Everyone else, though, looked somber and serious.

Alpha Micha didn't shout, but his voice carried across the pack. "For countless years this beast has tormented our lands. Too many of our kind have been lost to this monster. I know this is much to ask of you but is anyone courageous and brave enough to step into the water to kill the beast? If not, I understand completely. Time and again we Lupine have tried, to no avail. I ask once more, is anyone willing?"

So our kind and loyal Alpha was asking us to sacrifice ourselves but not himself? How had this fool even become the Lupine's pack leader? 

But then again I didn't know the whole story. That was one of my flaws, always rushing ahead without considering the consequences. Which I demonstrated perfectly in my next actions.

The clearing was silent, and I thought of all those who had lost their lives. People like Adrian and Brooke, Jerry and Raymond, and Dakota.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped forward.

"I am willing."

(Side Note: If you have time, check out my short story "The Last Day of June"!)

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