Chapter Sixty One: The Festival

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Alastar called us all to the table early that morning. We didn't eat breakfast like we usually did, only sat and waited for him to say to us what he wanted to.

I was painfully aware of Ash sitting off to my left, chatting with Jinx idly. Whatever it was still wasn't resolved yet, and I hope to fix it soon. This silence was unbearable.

Alastar cleared his throat and we fell quiet.

"As this is the last few days of training, I'm going to give you a break from work," he began, silencing us when we began to cheer. "I'm letting you out of the Raven's Claw to attend a festival the Serpentine are holding. I received word that they are still going through with it to give the tribe a morale booster.

"Keep in mind that though it's been months here, it's only been three days there. People will still be wary of you so be cautious. Not many know who you are, I made sure of it, but do not reveal your gifts under any circumstances."

His gaze softened slightly. I think we grew on him after a while.

"Keep your guard up and stay alert. Now leave this place and do not return until the festival concludes. I have a few more things to teach you before we leave."

This time when we cheered he didn't stop us, his usual look of annoyance faint.

I was suspicious of him at first, from Sora's reaction and the hints of what he'd done before. Sora had pulled us aside after a couple of days and confided her knowledge of him.

"I've read about him in our family history books," Sora whispered. We were sitting in her room after training, arranged in a circle. "There are different stories of a great mage named Alastar and his deeds.

"Long ago, during the time when the Predators began to emerge, there was a boy. This boy was the adventurous type and left his parent's house at a young age, seeking out one of the most famed sorcerers and learning their magic.

"While he studied, it came apparent that he was one of the first Chosen five to seal away the Predators. He joined up with his team and taught them how to use their powers. He was the leader of his group.

"But he got too prideful. He began to think he could do it all with his power. He shunned the visions given to him and took his team members' powers with the magic he had learned.

"The boy tried to seal away the monsters but he failed, and some of the magic was lost to the creatures. He's the reason why the Predators keep breaking out. If he had stuck to his team, none of this would have happened.

"As punishment, the deities decided to curse the arrogant boy to be their messenger. He would guide each and every five that came along every few hundred years, watching generations grow and decay. He was cursed with immortality, forever bound to the land to repay for his past crimes."

Sora had been fearful of Alastar from the myths surrounding him. Everyone had been on their guard, even Jinx, who trusted Alastar with his life.

After many days, though, it became evident that Alastar had regretted his crimes and was willing to make up for it by helping us. He never told us what he had done in person, but we could see it in his actions that he cared. Under his gruff and mean exterior, he had a good heart.

I smiled and even waved at Alastar as he watched us leave. All he did was glare back, but it made me smile even wider.

Jinx was practically jumping as we exited the tunnels where we'd practiced. We'd spent so much time here, supporting and rivaling each other that it was like a second home.

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