Chapter Seventeen: His Perspective

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Opening my bleary eyes, I woke to darkness and the soft flicker of the bedside lamp.

Where was I?

I turned my head sideways, where a sleeping figure lay.

His head cushioned in his arms, Dakota was fast asleep, his chest rising and falling with his breathing.

He'd waited here for me.

I let my attention wander to my surroundings. Recognizing the wooden walls, I found myself lying in my bed. In my own room. Not the infirmary or anything. The soft blankets covered a hospital gown that the doctors had probably given me.

Looking back at Dakota's vulnerable form again, I felt a surge of protectiveness. Maybe...just this one night, I could give in.

Reaching out, I brushed his cheek, surprised to find tears there. I rubbed them away gently with my thumb, smiling faintly.

Dakota stirred and his eyes blinked open.

Relief was written all over his face, and he let out a breath. "You're awake thank goodness. When you blacked out..."

"I'm okay, thanks to you," I responded, and hid a grin.

Weariness overcame me and I forced my eyes open.

Dakota got up, tucking the blankets under my chin. "You need to get some rest, Mel."

"I can do it myself," I protested weakly.

The corner of his lips twitched. "I know you can. Just let me do it this once, alright?"

Too tired to put up much of a fight, I agreed, really not minding. "Next time I get to take care of you, though," I said, not thinking straight.

With another grin, Dakota replied, "You bet."

He made his way to the door but then paused. Turning, he took some spare blankets and lay them on the floor.

He knelt at my bed, brushing the hair from my face. "I'll be here until you fall asleep. Go to sleep Mel..."

I let my eyes close, falling to the rhythm of Dakota's breathing.

For once in my life, I felt completely safe.

. : Dakota : .

I watched as Melody's breaths became deep and even.

A kernel of guilt was a thorn in my side. No matter how hard I pushed it down, it always came back.

She has no idea...

Recalling the day my parents had turned their backs on me, I grimaced, feeling the bitterness rise up in me. They'd left me for dead with nothing. I ground my teeth to prevent myself from growling and waking her. 

Yet, they weren't even the worst of my past. No, they were only the beginning of my pain.

Melody was only a stepping stone in my plan. She was nothing more than a tool. One that I'd throw away once she'd served her purpose.

She was nothing.


Yet at times, I went in over my head, forgetting how this was all just an act. Just a performance. A show put on for everyone. There wasn't anything between us, no matter what she thought. I saw the looks she gave me, and if she wasn't necessary, I would've destroyed her and everyone else. I didn't need her.

But sometimes it was all too real.

After all, I had gone with her to fight the serpent, but that meant nothing.


No, it was nothing.

I'd wanted to strangle that fox, the one she'd let get away. He was vital to my plan. He'd gotten away and now my sister knew a tiny seed of what I was up to.

And she'd let him get away. If I hadn't needed her for my plans, I would've knocked her out right then and there and left her in the forest to fend for herself.

There were other things in place, other beings I had contacted. It was all coming together when my thirst for vengeance would finally be sated.

No, I wasn't going back now. Things were almost ready.

It was almost time.

Everyone would soon feel the misery and betrayal I'd felt back then.

The same misery that I felt now.

If it was the last thing I did, I would make sure they'd all pay.

It was only a matter of time.

(Side Note: So...some of Dakota's past and real motives have been revealed. What do you think of that? Also, I've been really sick for the past few days so I might not be able to post as regularly.)

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