Chapter Fifty Four: Unexpected Help

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AHH! Sorry for the late update! (please don't kill me~~TvT) Chapters 54 and 55 are up. There will be an announcement at the end of 55!

Kill her.

The words echoed in my mind, drumming out a sinister rhythm. They were said with next to no emotion. As if Dakota had been talking about something as simple as the weather.

I stood frozen, my earlier disbelief now sinking in.

Swaying on my feet, I tried my best to quickly take up a defensive position, ignoring the blood dripping down my arms. Sooner rather than later, I suspected my injuries would catch up to me. At that point, I had to either be out of here or I'd be lying dead.

Predators hissed gleefully at the command they'd been waiting for. I took a step back and realized I'd somehow ended up against the maze wall. I was cornered.

If only there was water! Only a little bit and I'd stand a chance!

But the skies were clear. Not a drop would be falling anytime soon.

"I'm not going down quietly," I muttered, trying to hype myself up. With somewhat success. "I'm not going down without a -- "

I never got much farther than that, since the Predators decided to launch their attack.

The one who catches her will feast on her soul! One screeched. Master says to leave no survivors!

With my weapons' short-range, they'll be able to overwhelm me in no time, I thought rapidly to myself, stabbing a Predator in the chest and watching it disintegrate before turning to the next. I need to get out of this corner and somewhere else.

My hand scrabbled around something. An exit back into the maze.

Without a second thought, I dashed into it, panting hard with the monsters biting at my heels. Maybe if I could hold them off in this narrow area...then what? I couldn't do it forever.

The world spun slightly as my thoughts hazed and blurred together.

I had to stay and fight...fight for what again? Why was I here in the first place? I don't remember what it was that I was supposed to be doing...Something to do with weapons. For some reason, I can't bring myself to use these tainted...things though. I don't remember why...

"Snap out of it!" An unfamiliar voice hissed in my ear. "Raise your guard if you don't want to die!"

Something fluttered by, brushing my cheek. The silken thing danced and wove, gluing my eyes to its form and mesmerizing me.

What was I supposed to be doing?

The dots connected in my sluggish mind and I focused on the stranger's face.

His dark brown hair was tousled, blonde highlights intertwining and rustling as he moved. His skin was dark and warm as well, reminding me of Carter almost. His loose clothing was elegant, suggesting that he was well-bred and came from higher up in the hierarchy. 

A piece of cloth was pushed up onto his forehead, the dappled material reflecting the sunlight. It allowed me to get a clear glimpse of his eyes.

Eyes that shone with an intensity that belied the fact that I knew he was actually blind. His honey-golden irises flickered from point to point, betraying his panic.

"Hey!" He kept his eyes on the mass of Predators advancing while snapping his fingers under my nose. "Aren't you the Moon's Chosen or something? Can't you bend water and do anything?"

My thoughts slowed even further, a consequence of my steady blood loss. I think I'd met this individual before, though I'd no idea when or where at the moment.

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