Chapter Twenty Three: Wolf and Raven

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I opened my bleary eyes. Where was I?

The memories of yesterday came like a slap in the face. Predators, water, raven-boy.

Lifting my head, I found myself lying on a thin cot with several blankets covering me. The dimly lit area around was actually a cave. Rain poured outside the entrance, and I was thankful for the warmth of the bed. The cave had only the bed and a chair furnishing it.

A chair which the Avian boy was currently occupying. He sat dozing, and I took a good look at him. Now was the best time, since he wasn't awake yet.

He had jet black hair even darker than mine. He had a sharp angular face and looked as if he hadn't been eating much. It made sense since he was an Avian living off of Lupine territory. He was slightly tan as if he'd been out in the sun for a long time. The raven wore tattered trousers and a thin shirt under a down jacket. He must've been freezing up in the mountains. And in his semi-form with black wings half-folded on either side of him, he looked like an angel of death.

Pitying him, I quietly got out of his bed and fastened a blanket around his shoulders.

Stoking the fire, I relit its coals, casting a warm glow over the small cave. That's better. The fire crackled, and someone else I knew trotted up to me.

It was the Delphai.

Smiling, I reached out, but the little animal stepped back a few paces out of reach. I glanced at his hind leg.

Totally healed. Not even a scar.

Interesting. I'll shake some answers out from the raven when he wakes.

But at the same time, my friends were no doubt worried to death about me. Disappearing into the forest and all.

It was a hard choice, but they could wait. I needed answers from the raven first. What did he say his name was? Right, Ash, that's it.

Ash...a suitable name.

In the meantime, I had to take care of the Delphai. But as soon as I held a hand out, he scampered back into the forest. Well, that was one problem solved. It seems as if he would be fine now.

One thing that wasn't solved yet was the ongoing problems about me and this controlling-water-thing. What was I supposed to do about that?

I did know that I wasn't going to blurt it out for everyone to hear. If the Predators were after me, then that would only make things worse. Besides, if I was the moon's "chosen one" and all that nonsense, then I was bound to be hunted.

Plus, I didn't understand the first thing about being chosen. Why me? Others were plenty more capable. Why choose a hopeless first-year instead of someone like Dakota or Carter or Brooke?

And Dakota...I had no clue what to think of him. I knew Ray and Jerry were friends. Carter was like a brother to me, like Adrian or something. Brooke was like family already. But Dakota...

"What're you thinking about? Your face is pretty red."

Whirling around, I cleared my expression. "I don't need to tell you anything."

Ash had awoken and was leaning back against his chair, arms crossed. He wasn't smiling but was instead looking me up and down thoughtfully.

"I saw you before at the camp. Why were you following me?" I asked, still suspicious. "Also why are you on Lupine territory?"

Ash raised an eyebrow. "What, no thank you?"

Sighing, I nervously played with my braid. "Yeah, thank you for helping me with those...creatures. But how do I know you don't have any other motives?"

"Good point."

When I stayed silent, Ash continued. "Have any weird events occurred recently?"

For a moment I was confused, wondering what he was asking about. "What do you mean?"

"Oh you know," he said in a casual tone. "Things like self-healing, the process itself sped up abnormally, animals suddenly loving you, and stuff like that. Need I go on?"

My mouth dry, I stared at him. "How do you know all this?"

Yes, there you go Melody, just spit out information to random strangers.

Ash gestured to some scrolls propped up against the wall. "It's all in there actually. You could try reading them all, but I have a better idea. Sorry about this beforehand."

"Wait, what do you mean?" I questioned, puzzled.

Advancing toward me, Ash suddenly rushed forward and positioned his arms on either side of me, effectively trapping me.

"What the heck are you doing?"

Ash smiled apologetically. "It's the only way I can show you. Hold still."

Obviously, I wasn't about to, and Ash knew it. He anticipated this, preventing me from moving. He was ridiculously close now, and my heart raced. With fear or something else, I couldn't tell.

Quickly leaning down, Ash pressed his lips against mine, stopping me in my tracks. His mouth was warm on mine and all at once my brain shorted out.

Who was this guy and what was he doing?!

I could feel his hands stopping me from pushing him away, and some part of me wanted to punch him in the face while another didn't want to resist. Which was stupid of course, and the rational part of me kept struggling for control.

I exclaimed in surprise, and he slipped something into my mouth, some sort of pill. The thing instantly dissolved, leaving me woozy. The room dipped and spun in every which way, making me completely disoriented and unable to walk.

Ash stepped back, catching me as whatever he gave me took effect and made me fall. He murmured in my ear, his lips brushing my neck, "Sorry about that. I'll explain when I meet you there."

He lay me back on his bed again, gently closing my eyes.

I couldn't move. I couldn't think.

This boy was going to explain alright, to me and my fist. He was going to pay for that.

(Side Note: I won't say anything about this chapter. You guys can *cough* interpret this any way you want to. Also, comments on correcting any mistakes in typing, plot holes, or just slip-ups, in general, would be much appreciated. Another thing, I want to take a vote on how many of you guys would want me to draw some of the characters. Just say whichever ones you want to be drawn in the comments and I'll see if I can post the pictures in upcoming chapters as a bonus. It depends on if you want me to though, as I haven't decided yet.)

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