Chapter Thirty Seven: Sharing

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I nervously set my belongings down on the floor, scanning the room.

Sharing a room with a boy was one thing. Sharing my room with him was a very different matter.

It was Ash, after all.

Ash saw where I'd put my bag and quickly switched the positions of our items. "I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to let you sleep on the floor."

Exasperated, Ash just lay out a couple of blankets on the rug. "Go rest, we have a long day tomorrow."

Stubbornly crossing my arms, I pointed out, "You need more rest than I do. You've been flying all day and we'd really rather have a clear thinking navigator. I don't want to end up pitching over a cliff."

I winced at my words and looked away as the flashbacks threatened to overwhelm me.

Sighing, Ash moved the blankets once more, leaving nothing on the floor. "You have a point --"

"Only one?" I grinned in response.

"-- A point, but you're still not sleeping on the floor."

My mouth turned dry as I realized what that meant. With no blankets, the only other option the same bed that Ash would be sleeping in.

I shook my head, refusing, though a part of me wanted to say yes. A very tiny part that was easily ignored.

Okay, maybe not so easily ignored.

Nevertheless, I shifted into my wolf form and curled up on the floor, not budging. I wrapped my fluffy tail around myself and shut my eyes.

Ash made an annoyed sound but made no move to contradict me. He was exhausted too. After blowing the lamps out, I heard the bed creak as he too settled down. His breaths turned steady as he fell asleep and my own thoughts turned sluggish with sleep.

I drifted off, wishing the floor was more comfortable.

. : Ash : .

After I was sure that she was asleep, I slowly slipped out of the bed. Wincing as the floorboards creaked, I crouched in front of Melody. I was preparing to lift her up when she gave a small cry and shifted into her human form. 

I paused, thinking.

Her face contorted, tears leaking out from her shut eyes. Her breathing turned shallow and rapid and I suppressed my rising panic.

Set me down in front of a mob of Predators and I'd be right at home. Give me a crying girl and I'd have no clue what to do.

Melody began to toss and turn and I made a sudden decision.

I scooped her up and gently set her down on the bed, avoiding her flying fists. Rubbing her back and whispering to her though she was asleep, I brushed the hair from her face with my other hand.

She was still in a terrified state of mind but was slowly calming down. I didn't know what she was dreaming about, but if it had anything to do with Dakota, I was going to strangle him. Preferably slowly.

Focus, my mind commanded. She needs your help first.

Steadying my own erratic breathing, I sat, still murmuring words that meant nothing but seemed to soothe her. 

I knew if she was awake she'd just push me away like usual. I knew that she hated seeming weak, but she was asleep right now.

A  thought sent my mind into overdrive.

We were alone. No, Ash, stop.

But the thought continued to nag at me, urging me forward. Everything screamed for me to stop, while the rest of me yelled to get a move on.

Melody was fast asleep, no longer struggling. She looked so peaceful and vulnerable, reminding me of when she'd first seen me outside of my second form.

When I had done the unthinkable and kissed her.

I knew I'd lied when I'd given her the fake reason because I hadn't wanted her to know the real one. I hadn't even known why I'd done so myself. 

I could've used a million different ways to give her the medicine. 

But I'd chosen that one.

Trailing my hand from her hair to the curve of her neck, I leaned down. Melody sighed in her sleep, tilting her head. Whatever she was dreaming of now wasn't related to anything stressful or frightening. 

I swallowed hard, lowering myself down further.

The things this girl did to me...The way she made me feel...

At that moment, Melody turned her head and her lips brushed mine. My hand tangled in her hair and I closed my eyes, breathing her in. Cupping the back of her neck, I restrained myself to doing what I wanted to, instead lightly pressing my lips against hers.

I'm not being fair to her.

Backing away as if she'd burned me, I extracted myself and bit my tongue to come to my senses. Covering Melody with the blanket, I lay on my side of the bed in resignation.

The sound of her breathing would have to be enough tonight.

(Side Note:...Any other drawing requests? I don't know what to say so uh happy Sunday. Sorry I couldn't update as much last week. I got kinda busy with other stuff. There'll be more updates soon though!)

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