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. : Ash : .

She stood frozen, immobile as that lying fox wrenched his blade back and stretched his face into a ghoulish smile. He whispered one last statement to her, then fled into the shadows as I lunged for him.

"Dakota!" I yelled, but he was gone. Coward. Traitor. Good for N--


The stern voice brought me back. Back to her.

Her open gaze was empty. Her body was devoid of life as she lay in Alastar's hands while he calmly worked his magic. Not even a finger twitched when our mentor pulled back the cloth to examine the mound.

Please. Whatever deity is out there, please --

Jinx and Sora stood guard as I knelt brokenly beside her. The faint hope I help was banished when I saw Alastar's expression.

I never got to say I loved you.

End of Book One.

"Raven in Spirit," book two, coming soon.

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