Chapter Forty Three: The Raven's Claw

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I navigated my way around the streets of the Serpentine town, traveling as fast as possible in my wolf form. I stuck to the shadows, my black fur helping me blend in. I wasn't taking any chances after the stunt the thief had pulled.

Glancing from left to right, I darted past the busy crowds and into the outer edge of the town. This part of town was where the poor lived, and it was evident from the conditions of the homes.

Feeling a stab of pity, I wondered how much money I had on me right now. I shifted and felt around for my pouch -- which should've been in my satchel -- but it was gone.


I swear I had it earlier --

Oh wait. I spent the last of my money tipping the elderly couple back there. Then...I guess I'm broke now.

Not that I'd need the money in the coming days.

Sighing, I shook my head and shifted back into my second form, trying to find my way out of the endless maze of roads. A familiar shadow flickered at the corner of my vision and I smirked.

No matter how hard you try to hide, I can still see you. And I know your scent.

You're not getting away from me this time.

Finally reaching the edge of town, I headed in the opposite direction of the swamp. According to the map I'd been given, the Raven's Claw was about half a day's travel away from here.

Well, the couple had said that it was farther than that, but that had been in Serpentine walking terms. I was a Lupine. I'd make it in time.

There was a small, worn trail that branched off of the main road, a sign at the crossroads. The one pointing left to the trail said 'The Raven's Claw,' with various warnings on and around the plank. The sign pointing right to the other road said 'Arven's Forest.'

I turned left.

The sun was already high in the sky, meaning I'd probably get to the forest after dark.

Not good.

Though I was charging headfirst into danger, I'd prefer to scout out the actual lay of the land first. Oh and maybe come up with a plan along the way. Yeah, that too.

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

My journey had gone largely undisturbed, nothing in particular happening in the hours it took to reach the Raven's Claw. It was dusk, the sun rapidly setting and disappearing behind the trees. The days would be shorter now, the nights longer. The seasons were changing, and soon it would be autumn.

A wave of guilt crashed over me when the thought suddenly flew to my mind.

How were the Lupine doing? Was everything okay?

I'd hadn't stopped to ponder that in such a long time since the day of the attack. I hoped Jerry and Brooke and Carter and everyone was doing fine. And I'd just left like that...

I shook the thoughts from my head. No. The best way you can help them is by defeating the Predators. Somehow. Then things could go back to normal and...Who was I kidding? I'm not normal. Things could never be 'normal' again.

Let's just get this over with.

At first glance, the forest seemed pretty ordinary. Even welcoming.

There was an abundance of animals that I could hear stirring in the forest. Birds exchanged songs through the trees while deer pranced out of view as I approached. I could hear a small river or stream flowing somewhere nearby. All seemed well.

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