Chapter Ten: The Lupine Camp

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Snip, snip, shhsk.

Opening my bleary eyes, I woke to sounds of tearing and scuffling around.

"What?" I asked no one in particular.

The coyote boy from before was at the foot of the cot I was lying on. "Hold on, don't move yet. I'm almost done." He said in a quiet voice.

I felt a quick pinch on my ankle and looked down. The coyote was wrapping some sort of cloth around my injury. With a deft move of his fingers, he tied the end of the bandage off.

"There. Now try shifting back human."

I warily did, and though it hurt a bit, there was nothing like the pain I'd felt.

Grinning at the boy, I thanked him, saying, "You're pretty good at this stuff. It doesn't feel half as bad as before. Thanks."

He smiled tentatively, then warned, "You'll have to walk carefully for a while though, Don't stress your ankle out too much. I expect not to see you here again for the same injury, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I said, smiling faintly.

"Sebastian!" Someone called from the other end of the hall. "The wounded are coming in!"

The coyote's face grew grim. "I think your friend is coming soon. She'll tell you what to do. Now stay put and rest for a bit."

With that, he dashed off, preparing to receive more patients.

Staring at the stone ceiling, I fingered the hem of my shirt, waiting. Listening to the steady dripping of water, I tuned out the noise around me. A million questions filled my head, blocking out everything else. But I sat, patiently waiting, dozing off now and again.

Tick, tock.

Where are you?

Tick, tock...

What's taking you?

Someone yelled my name and I turned my head. Brooke ran over, worry written all over her face.

"What happened to you?"

I sat up and waved away her questions for the moment. "Long story, let's hear yours first. Did we make it in time?"

Brooke nodded, relieved. "In the nick of time too. We were about to retreat when we saw the Lupine come. The bandits broke rank and ran for it. A few stayed and fought. There were only a couple injuries, no casualties, thanks to you and Dakota. Oh, the medics told Dakota to rest, but he's out hunting. You know him, always wanting to do something..."

Slightly disappointed he hadn't come to visit, I shook my head. What was I thinking? Ugh, never mind.

The bracelet on my wrist jangled, and I remembered I had to return it. "Brooke, here," I said, taking it off and slipping it onto on her hand. "Thanks for the good luck charm. It looks like it worked well."

Brooke smiled kindly, thanking me in turn. It was obvious the bracelet was important to her.

"Sow now that we're at camp," I asked, "What now?"

"We're going to have a feast tonight to celebrate. Uh, tomorrow is a rest day, and the day after is when you choose your trade." Brooke said, ticking the events off her fingers.

I tilted my head. "Trade?"

"Basically what you want to do for your job in the camp. There are instructors and they'll teach you about what they do. They'll show you around for a tour of the camp first thing."

Nodding in assent, I leaned back to ponder on this. What job would I pick? What jobs were there? How would I know which one was right for me? All questions that should be answered in two days.

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