Chapter Fifty Three: Double Crossed

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"Serpentine, this is what you've been waiting for! The climax of an entire year's worth of preparation!"

If possible, the crowds cheer amplified seemingly tenfold. Almost bloodthirsty, even.

"Here and now, the remaining contestants who've battled their way through the maze will duke it out. As an added bonus, this courageous Lupine has volunteered from the stands to mix into the fray! Give it up for the final eight!"

You've got to be kidding me.

"Mel, what's the announcer talking about," Ash questioned, his voice cutting through everyone else's. He sounded dangerously calm.

Dakota looked more annoyed than usual, crossing his arms though he looked exhausted. Not that I cared. "What did you do this time? Messing it up for everyone else, are we now?"

"Hey!" I yelled, my voice drowned out by the noise. "I did not volunteer! This was not a part of the plan!"

Quickly glancing around me, I saw four others that I didn't recognize. They looked vicious, already looking like they wanted to murder the opposition. 

Maybe they were just really patriotic. This was the Serpentine's competition, after all, we didn't really have a right -- or choice -- to spoil it.

Wishful thinking.

"Let's see who the crowd roots for more in this final battle!" The announcer cut in on our conversation, and we all glared at him though he sat a safe distance away. "At out signal, you may begin. Any move -- accidental or not -- before that will result in disqualification."

"You can't do that," Ash shouted. "Can you not see the bandages on her? She's injured!"

"Any move will result in disqualification."

I froze, not daring to twitch a muscle.


The crowd chanted along with the announcer.


My heart seemed to beat faster, my vision tunneling.


Everyone tensed.


And all heck broke loose.

"Watch your backs," Ash called, ever the strategist. "Take out the others first, then we'll see what to --"

"Less talking, more fighting!" Dakota cut him off, drawing the attention of one Serpentine. The two then proceeded to carry out their own battle.

The rest of us also got separated, each holding their own against a Serpentine. My own opponent nearly blocked my field of vision.

She hissed at me wearily, tired but not willing to give up yet. Her loose Serpentine garbs fluttered slightly as we circled each other. The boa constrictor tensed ever so slightly in the split second before she struck.

But I saw it and dodged as she swung her dagger in an arc. I dropped my satchel and drew my knives in defense.

Finish this fast, you don't have the energy to spare.

I winced a bit as I drew back to deflect another strike, my wounds surely opening. A shame, after all the work Ash had gone through to bandage them.

Wait, why was I thinking about him right now?

Not the time, you need to focus.

Right. Focus.

Locking blades with the boa, I struggled to find leverage against my opponent's longer weapon. Dimly, I was aware of the crowd going nuts, perhaps over my fight or another.

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