Chapter Twelve: A Hunter's Advice

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I awoke early, opening my eyes with a start.

Last night...

Covering my face, I hid a wide smile.

Wait, what was I thinking? That's completely ridiculous. Absurd.

My bare feet touched the cold stone floor. Another thought flitted into my head and preoccupied me.

Just yesterday, I'd gotten my ankle fixed, but not entirely. What had the healer boy said? I was going to 'limp for a while' right?

Then why did I feel no pain at all?


Unwrapping the layers of bandages, I studied my ankle.

Not a scratch.


I rotated it, expecting at least a twinge of pain or something. Actually, I distinctly remembered it hurting...Right up until I'd taken a bath in my temporary room. After that, I don't recall any real discomfort. None at all.

All of my limping from yesterday was merely a formality...

Tentatively changing from my sleeping attire, I experienced no pins or needles. The only pain I felt was when I stubbed my toe on the bed frame.

Deciding to get rid of the cumbersome bandages, I carefully cleaned and dried them. Then I recoiled the strands up, tucking it in my bag to investigate later.

Slinging on my jacket, I made sure to bring the gloves from the closet. Catching sight of a different jacket hung on the chair, I wondered who it belonged to. Did I bring in another jacket yesterday?

With a start and a pang of guilt I remembered.

It was Dakota's! How could I have forgotten? He must be freezing outside! I got to find him, it's way too cold out to walk around in just a long sleeve shirt.

Tiptoeing past the hall and to the door, I paused.

I should probably work this out first.

How was I going to find him? I didn't know where he stayed, much less where he'd be by now. I could try asking the others, but how? Ray and Jerry...I didn't know what their trade was yet. Brooke was probably in the kitchen.

I'll start there then.

Opening the door, I stepped outside. Someone had already cleared most of the snow on the paths away. The sun was still rising, casting a rosy glow on the clouds.

Though today was a break day, the Lupine were up and about, tending to their needs. As they say, 'the early Lupine gets the bone.'

Or something like that.

I wandered over to the dining hall in search of breakfast and Brooke. Entering the building, I stood to one side, scanning the massive room.

My guess was correct: Brooke was arranging various loaves of bread in the corner of the room.

There she is.

"Hey, Brooke!"

She turned, catching a glimpse of me. Brooke smiled, gestured me over, and ruffled my hair.

"Hi. Just sorting through some rolls. What's up?"

Raising the hack as an answer, I added, "What's for breakfast? I'm starving."

Brooke lit up in a way only a cook could when talking about her favorite subject: food.

"The bread is over here, obviously, and we have some butter and jam on that table over there. There's always goat's milk available. Today's special is biscuits and gravy at the counter. We also have packets of mountain tea and freshly brewed coffee. Careful, they're hot! And over here are the greens like spinach, salad, carrots and celery, etcetera." She grinned, finishing her ramble. "Does that answer your question?"

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