Chapter Forty Five: Alpha's Command

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Early Update *yay?*:

"Watch your right side!" Adrian yelled and I barely managed to dodge the snapping jaws of one wolf.

Turning my head to the side, I locked my jaws around the wolf's leg, missing the neck. I twisted to avoid the wolf's fangs reaching for my jugular vein.

My internal senses came into play, keeping me alive throughout the fight.


A brown streaked wolf leaped over my head, skidding to a halt.

To your left.

I looked over just in time to be slammed onto the ground by another.


Obeying just in time, the wolf's fangs closed on the empty air where my head had just been.

Below you.

This time I wasn't fast enough and the brown wolf latched onto my neck, drawing blood. I winced and tried to shake him, nearly falling as another bit into my back. The wound strangely felt like it was burning and I clenched my teeth against the pain.

Adrian wasn't faring much better.

His brass knuckles packed a strong punch but the wolves were fast. He struck one only to be set upon by another. He shifted quickly into his milk snake form, slithering away then turning back into a human and dodging a strike.

I staggered under the weight of the wolves on me. They were insanely strong and kept coming. If only I had access to water...

I didn't notice my vision turning black until I could barely see. My eyes grew heavy on their own and I listed to the side, feeling numb.

No! I couldn't let go now!

It felt like a million bricks had been thrown on me. My body felt heavy and I was bleeding from a dozen different wounds. I was going to die soon unless I found the energy to move.

A third wolf stepped in front of me. The Alpha female.

She stared down at me, calmly watching while her subordinates bled the life out of me. Then she suddenly cocked her head, listening for something.

I heard it too, a high-pitched whistling sound.

And suddenly the wolves let go of me and I slumped onto my side. They did the same to Adrian, backing away from something. Or someone.

A shadow fell across me and I fought to keep my eyes open.

The being tsked. 

"Look at this mess."

Mess? Who was he? 

He sounded distinctly male, his voice carrying an eon's worth of disdain and regret though he said it nonchalantly. He cleared his throat and whispered something.

I pricked my ears up, trying to catch what he was saying, but I was already too far gone.

Desperately holding onto consciousness, I felt myself slip, feeling numb.

Never in my life had I felt cold, so cold.

-- Had to live -- Couldn't die --

-- Mike, Erin -- Wait! --

-- Sorry...



Voices bounced around in my head, drawing me from the darkness.

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