Chapter Forty: Stolen Property

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To my disappointment, nothing much happened on those two days of travel. We just ran hard each day, only halting a couple of time for rest.

If anything, I thought that Ash was avoiding me.

And if anything other than that, I was trying to avoid him too. The whole episode back at the Serpentine bandit camp had us both flustered and unknowing of how to set things right.

Walking onto the cobblestone streets, I smiled as a breeze played across my face.

The town bordered on a large swamp where the Serpentine earned most of their wages. It was always wet here, but many visitors from different tribes still came to purchase the fishermen's' daily catch. Tall cypress trees towered over the murky water. Dozens of species of birds housed there, their songs filling the air. The telltale symbol of the Serpentine symbol hung everywhere.

With a town this big, it was going to be difficult finding the Serpentine's Chosen one.

I avoided looking at Ash, still not knowing what to do. As much as I wanted to dwell on the meaning behind the kiss, there were other, more pressing, matters to deal with.

Like saving the world for instance.

"S-so," I asked, cursing how my voice shook. I cleared my throat and tried again. "How are we going to find the others?"

Ash consulted his map and I tried not to stare at him. He looked up and I quickly turned away, embarrassed to have been caught.

He let out a low chuckle but made no further comment on my reaction. "I told them to meet us at an inn called the Swamp Alley. We'll start there."

We tracked and backtracked, getting lost in the maze of a town. One thing that never failed to appear, though, was water. Swamp water lapped at the slippery harbors, crashing into the wooden support beams. It was even in the wet, humid air, forming droplets on my clothing.

I brushed them off with a grimace. The sooner we got out of here, the better.

A beat-up wooden sign hung above a rickety door. In sloppy red letters, the words, 'Swamp Alley' with an alligator painted next to it gleamed.

"I guess this is it," Ash said and glanced at me.

At that moment, there was a crash as the door flew open and a burly man flew out. He was clearly drunk and staggered off, a bottle in hand.

"And stay out!" A ragged voice shouted after him from inside the inn.

Crossing my arms, I pursed my lips. "Well, you certainly picked a reliable spot. You first."

Ash gestured. "Oh no. Ladies first."

I looked at him. "Really? Fine."

Sauntering in, I placed my hands on my hips, searching for Sora and Dakota. As much as I wished to ditch them completely, Sora was one of us and I owed Dakota for my life.

So like it or not, I wasn't leaving without them.

I almost immediately regretted that oath a second later, as I found them at a table. Well, making out at a table. I gagged. People cat-called and hollered at them, seeming to urge them on while some looked on with disinterest.

Okay, maybe I was leaving without them.

Nodding to the bartender, I coughed loudly in front of them, breaking them apart. Ash turned away uncomfortably, scratching his neck.

Sora and Dakota stopped sucking at each other's faces and their eyes widened. Dakota blustered while Sora appeared unfazed and collected.

"Melody," Sora said as if nothing had just happened. "I see Ash has found you."

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