Chapter Thirty: His Memories

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It turned out that there was no need to warn the people of the Feline camp.

Because the Predators had already arrived.

Screams ricocheted off the burning wall of the town. Everyone shared a grim look, even Sora, and took off. Running to the center of the busy town, I dodged terrified tribe members fleeing the monsters.

The four of us split into pairs to combat the rising tide of Predators. Piles of sand already lay in heaps around the square, to our dismay and horror.

How many Felines had fallen? How many?

"I got your back, do what you need to," Ash said and started up his signature move: tornados.

I nodded and proceeded to defend the town with a weak but well-placed hurricane. It was difficult to pull my power to not damage any property, but then again I was already swaying on my feet from the battle earlier.

Pausing to consider the thought was a mistake. A Predator inched close enough to take off my head with a scarred hand.

Fortunately, Ash spotted the monster and blew it to pieces with a blade of air. "Pay attention Melody! I can't fight for both of us! I have your back but not your attacks!"

Not responding, I snatched a cup of water from a market stall's counter and threw it in a Predator's face. It writhed in agony before turning to dust.

"That's for the souls you stole."

Sweeping my knife in an arc, I dispatched another group, yelling defiantly.

"That's for the families you ruined."

With the last of my strength, I fashioned a whip out of water and lashed at the seething wall of murky monsters.

"That's for destroying my tribe!"

Dust rained down, but still more came forth. Their numbers were overwhelming, even with the aid of those who fought back. The others' attacks were slowing, though Sora and Dakota hadn't participated much in the previous encounter.

Catching sight of a Predator slinking up behind Dakota's unprotected side, I made a split second decision.

Just like he'd taught me, I aimed and threw one hunting knife straight at the Predator's unsuspecting backside.

Not on my watch.

But the knife didn't hit its mark.

Instead, it pierced the tree trunk beside it, startling the creature. Fortunately, it also alerted Dakota, who turned and struck the Predator with his dagger.

I heard him growl all the way from the opposite side of the clearing. "This is for all the trouble...caused...foil my plans...get out!"


Watching him had cost me, as I soon found out.

Predators converged on me and swiped as I dodged and twisted to avoid getting touched by the dark beings.

A tongue of fire licked the air around me, expelling the Predators in a swift motion. Sora smirked, calling, "You're welcome for that! Pull yourself together, it's embarrassing to fight with you!"

Taking care of the Predator that had been attempting to steal her soul, I grinned back. "And you're also welcome for that. Maybe I'm the one who's embarrassed."

We both shared an amused look before returning to our individual battles. Almost like before, when we'd been close friends. Like before she'd turned her back and tried to kill me.

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