Chapter Fourteen: The Instructors

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"They've arrived!"

I snapped out of my thoughts. Back to reality.

Sit back and observe, that's usually how I pinned down who to talk to and who not to. Looks like it's time to do that again.

The first one to crash through the underbrush immediately gave me bad vibes.

She started complaining as soon as she came up, which told me a couple things. Most likely, she'd just about never been through the forest before. She was used to getting her way easily. Never had to lift a finger or work in her life. Fancy, hand-tailored clothing. Jewelry hanging off her neck, arms, and hands. Light skin, shiny blond hair, flashing azure eyes. The perfect little jackal.

And she also reminded me of someone...who I'd rather not recall.

Definitely not befriending her.

Hey, I might be jumping to conclusions, but my first impressions were usually correct.

Except for Dakota that is, he was...different.

The second girl was more promising. She was an arctic wolf, bright white locks like Dakota. Her silvery grey eyes were dilated with fear. Head down, she trailed after the other girl. Defeated. Her fair skin had scratches; The jackal had probably made her lead the way in the woods.

With a pang of regret, I looked down at my feet. Had I met with her earlier, I could've helped her stand up to the jackal.

It's not too late to start yet, at least.

Lastly, the only first-year boy was the final Lupine to leave the forest. At first glance, he was arrogant and smug. Look closer, though, and you could tell what was hidden. He was a respectful person, well-mannered and polite. 

Cheery, but serious, he greeted all the adults. He was a reddish-brown Mongolian wolf. Warm golden eyes surveyed the land. Running a light but slightly tanned hand through his hair, his gaze found me.

Striding over to me, he asked in a quiet, steady voice, "How did you get here so quickly?"

I replied cautiously, "I took the left path. The scent trail led that way if you shifted into your second form."

He sighed. "Of course. Why didn't I think of that? I let Sylvia choose -- oh she's the jackal over there -- and look where we ended up. I'm Isaac by the way."

Isaac offered me his hand and I had a flashback to the night I'd spent with Dakota.

I took it hesitantly. "I'm Melody."

He gave me a grin. "You're the prodigy wolf everyone's talking about?"

Pretending to consider it, I responded, "I wouldn't say I'm a supposed 'prodigy', but feel free to call me that."

Realizing I was still holding his hand, I dropped it quickly.

Calling for our attention, the various instructors introduced themselves.

The nervous red fox from before took the floor. His short demeanor and height were made up for by fiery passion and hair. "I am the head scholar, Danie. Under me, you will seek knowledge from all corners of our territory, adding to our vast collection. Afterward, if you wish to know more, come find me."

Wow, dramatic much.

Next up, the graying coyote stood, his impressive stature towering over us. Though he was getting older, he still spoke clearly, showing no signs of his age. "As the head of the tribe's finest chefs, I, Hanoi, will teach you the art of cook the most coveted dishes known!"

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