Chapter Eighteen: Into the Woods

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With a yawn and a question, I stretched.


When no response came, I glanced around the room a couple times. Disappointed to find that he wasn't present, I shook my head. What in the world had I been thinking?

Opening up to him like that, acting all vulnerable? I was out of my mind! A boy in my room? My parents would've had a thing o two to say if they knew.

But...they weren't here now.

Moving on to other, more logical matters, I got out of bed.

My internal clock told me that the sun had yet to rise, so plenty of time. It was my first day after all. Wouldn't want to be late.

Hand on the doorknob, I saw a letter out of the corner of my eye.

"What's this?" I said to myself, walking over.

Containing my initial excitement, I read the note left by Dakota. I could almost see his uncertain expression as he wrote.

Hey Mel!

Sorry about leaving early, but I had to go hunting. I found a cool spot in the woods where the streams meet. Maybe I'll take you there sometime. Anyways, have a good first day, I hope you're feeling better.


Smiling, I opened the door, still holding the note in my hands.

And walked straight into Carter.

The note slipped out of my hands. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Let me get that."

I reached down at the same time Carter said, "No, I got it."

We bumped our heads together on the way down and I winced.

The wonder on the side of my head throbbed through the bandages. I almost wished it would heal like my ankle did if I wasn't so nervous about what caused it.

I pressed my hand to my head, trying to rub the pain away.

Carter immediately steadied me, apologizing. "Are you alright? Sorry about that. You don't have to start your training today if you don't want to."

Putting up my hand, I refused. "No, no, I'm fine. I don't want to miss my first day. Besides, all I'd do was lay around all day. I'm up for it."

He clearly thought otherwise, but reluctantly agreed. Carter wouldn't want to be that way either.

"Miss Helen is busy today, so I'll be your instructor."

Carter led me through the stables, which were situated outside for the Delphai's comfort.

"The old headmaster will be retiring as soon as you're competent with handling the herd. Taking into consideration your injury, we decided to give you a more simple task." He raised his hands in defense. "I know, I know. You don't want to be treated like your weak or anything, but all the apprentices have to do this anyways. You'll start out with helping me groom my herd of Delphai. Miss Helen and the headmaster have already set their Delphai out in the pastures. You'll help me with mine."

I could already see the horns of the Delphai out in the wildflower-rich fields. Recalling my past experiences with the Feline's horses, I tagged along after Carter.

Apparently, the Delphai grazed on flowers instead of the usual grasses or hay. In winter, they just kept going out on their daily routine, ignoring the snow and storms that blew during the season.

That's some differences from the horses I was used to. This was a completely different species I was dealing with.

After assisting Carter with his Delphai, we took a break outside the stables, watching the Delphai romp around in the fields.

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