Chapter Sixty Seven: Lost Relations

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"We're here to explain and to plead assistance," Alastar said, wearily lowering into the Serpentine's customary bow.

The four of us and our mentor were standing outside of the Serpentine leader's main tent. It had been set up after the destruction of the arena and the complete ruin of the competition we had competed in what seemed like ages ago. The tribesmen had fled and been ordered to stay in their homes until everything was sorted.

By everything, they meant us.

Time had passed in leaps and bounds for us, but only three days had gone by in the real world. I had to keep that in mind as I itched to be off and away for either the Avian or Ursidae campgrounds.

Sora nudged me and I tuned back into the conversation Alastar was having with the guard. The guard was, of course, extremely hesitant to let us in after what had happened. He didn't exactly know who we were but he seemed suspicious, considering how we appeared. Raggedy, dirt-caked, exhausted.

Alastar could just force his way in -- any of us could overpower this Serpentine -- but that wouldn't leave a great impression and none of us had the energy.

"I have to consult the leader first, sir." The viper said hesitantly.

Alastar agreed, still managing to hold an air of command while covered in mud and looking haggard. "We will wait as long as necessary." The underlying message was 'don't make me wait.'

"Tell him Alastar sent you."

The viper took his words grimly and retreated into the tent's folds. Sora took a seat on the ground and sighed, massaging her ankle ruefully. Jinx settles beside her, content to have his 'vision' back. Ash remained standing, rolling his shoulder and wincing through the pain.

I had bandaged the wound already but spots of blood had still run through and dried on the cloth's surface. The wound might leave a scar. I could've helped...Ash caught my worried glance and waved me off. I'll be fine, his expression said. I wasn't so sure.

The guard popped out of the curtains and beckoned us in. "If you wouldn't mind, there is a basin of water nearby -- "

A voice interrupted him. "It is fine Matthias, their appearance is of no concern to me."

An elderly man parted the cloth entrance and strode forward. He and Alastar shook hands, the man not bothering the wipe the grime off his fingers. "Alastar, it's good to see you again."

Alastar tilted his head. "It has been some years, hasn't it? We've both kept our paths, I would hope."

The leader of the Serpentine tribe dipped his head and turned his pale yellow eyes towards us. "I indeed have. Am I to assume these are your pupils? I have heard many stories of the Chosen."

"You are correct as always," Alastar said and it hit me that Alastar held this other man in a degree of respect. "It is not safe to converse out here. If you would Remaro..."

Tribe Leader Remaro beckoned us in, securing the tent once we were all inside. It was empty save for a few cushions on the floor to sit on and a table strewn with paper in the middle. Alastar and Remaro sat at the head. The rest of us were grateful for the respite but Jinx remained standing.

"Jinx," Sora questioned. "What is it?"

Ash, Sora, and I puzzled at his reluctance but Alastar and Remaro exchanged knowing glances. Jinx's hands curled into fists.

As if pulled by strings, he jerkily raised his hands to his face and pulled off his green slip of a blindfold. His golden eyes were narrowed and his mouth pulled in a grimace. To our collective surprise, Jinx knelt and bowed low, touching his head to the floor.

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