Chapter Fifteen: Stable Life

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Arriving at the first-year's rooms, I looked around. I wouldn't miss this place that much, I'd only slept here for a few nights anyway.

But it had been the first place where I had lived. Really lived. And felt free.

There wasn't much to pack. I'd come here with next to nothing, I'd leave here with the same.

I carefully folded some extra sets of clothing, tucking them into my bag. The figurine was sitting safely in one of my pockets. That was one thing I would never give up.

Other than that, there was nothing left to take.

Straightening the furniture, I surveyed the room one last time. Shaking my head, I walked out of the room, not looking back.

Helen was waiting outside of the building, book in hand. Catching sight of me, my instructor snapped the book shut.

"Ready to go?"

I nodded but really wasn't.

"Alright then, let's get going."

Helen made casual conversation on the way, but my mind was far off. The habit of daydreaming was what got me in trouble frequently with my parents.

Once again I had to remind myself that they were not here any longer.

I wish I could just forget about my past life.

Soon enough I'd learn to be careful what I wished for.

We stood before the Delphai stables. Helen led me to my new home and gave me a heads up. "The other stable hand will come by in about an hour. He'll show you around. I'll be your primary instructor, but he'll also teach you quite a bit. Look alive, Melody, we're starting your training today!"

With that, Helen left me alone.

My training started today.

Hardly containing a burst of excitement, I placed my hands on my hips and looked around the quaint room.

Unlike the other temporary rooms, this area had wooden walls. The planks were built snuggly to ensure warmth. There was no fireplace, but woolen rugs covered the floor. A sturdy desk and chair took over one corner, while the bed lay opposite of it. Warm, expansive blankets were neatly spread across the thin mattress. Horns from a Delphai adorned a section of the wall with a plaque below.

I placed my items on the desk, walking around the perimeter of the room.

My room.

There was also a smaller, more private room to the side where I could dress. Upon opening the door, I discovered a few racks to hang my extra sets of clothes on.

After getting all that sorted out, I lay on my bed and pondered about things I had had no time to think of before.

The first thing -- no, person -- that came to mind was Dakota.

That night -- both nights in fact -- after dark still puzzled me. What had compelled Dakota to act like that, and why had I let him?

As I thought of it, the more I wished to deny it. Dakota was a friend, nothing more. 

Or was he?

What was he to me?

He had saved my life more than once, but what could that mean?

I knew I was fond of him like I was of everyone in the group. It didn't go beyond that. It couldn't. I'd met him only a short while ago for goodness sake. I didn't know much about him either.

Then why was I so disappointed by the fact that Dakota hadn't come to visit me in the infirmary? And why did I get butterflies in my stomach whenever I spoke to him?

I was a complete mess.

Get it together Melody. Now's not the time for this.

And then there was another matter I hadn't gotten to yet.

My ankle.

I still had no idea how it could've healed so quickly. Even though the tribes did heal faster than normal humans or animals, we couldn't regenerate that fast.

Another mystery yet to solve.

It seemed the more answers I found, the more questions would arrive.

Before I could ponder any further, a noise halted me.

Knock, knock, knock.

(Side Note: It's Chapter Fifteen people! You know what that means...*drumroll*...I'm only posting on Sundays now! Today's chapter was kind of short again, sorry, but that'll change soon, no worries. I'll be back this Sunday with another chapter, see you then!)

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