Chapter Nineteen: Surprise Attack

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I reached the quaint little stream Carter had described. The laughing, bubbling stream trickled down the moss-covered rocks. Tadpoles swam contentedly in the shallows. Birds flocked in the trees, chirping quietly amongst themselves.

Almost picturesque, the scene before me.

A bit too picturesque.

Dismounting, I let Fawn graze nearby, and settled down to wait.

Taking out the bandages once again, I pondered. Was it the bandages themselves that had healed me?

It was a ridiculous notion, but then again I was living with people who could shape-shift into animals, so who knew?

Or was it something more?

Deciding to experiment some, I changed out my current bandages for my old ones. I wrapped it around my head. I'll check on it later, after lunch. It's about time that I got some answers.

Hearing distant galloping, I got up, readying myself. It was also about time that I got my letter back.

Carter emerged from around the corner of the bend in the path. He pulled back slightly on the reins to slow his steed. He dropped down beside me, taking a sip from a canteen.

"You sure got here fast. I haven't ridden like that in a while," Carter gasped beside me.

I smirked, catching sight of my letter sticking out of his satchel. Did you think you could hide that from me?

Discreetly plucking it from his back, I then waved it in front of his face. "Forget something?"

Carter's hand raced to his bag and he gave me a sheepish look.

"You know, it's rude to read other people's mail. Did anyone ever teach you that?"

He grinned, and replied, "Well, knowing who it was from made it irresistible. Are you sure you aren't in a relationship, Melody?"

Balking, I immediately denied it. How could he have turned the tables so quickly?

"Hmm," Carter muttered, pretending to examine me. "You say no, but judging by how red your face is, I'd say otherwise."

Pushing him away, I exclaimed sharply, "Stop that! What does my personal life have to do with you?"

The humor suddenly drained from Carter's face. He quietly leaned back and said, "Everything. Don't hurt him, alright? He's a great guy. Don't hurt him any more than he already has been. Just trying to repay a...favor."

Shaken by how the conversation had suddenly turned, I moved onto a different subject.

"So why are we here?"

Carter's expression relaxed, but his posture remained taut. I wanted to ask why he was so concerned about Dakota, but I took the hint and stayed silent.

He said in a somewhat pleasant voice, "I come here a lot when I train the Delphai. It's very peaceful here. Helps to clear my mind. Miss Helen showed me this place, saying she would like someone else to enjoy it. I've passed it onto you."

Touched, I sat back, taking in the view. Carter and Miss Helen were right, it was very relaxing.

Glancing at the sun's placement in the sky, Carter jumped up.

"Melody, you need to get going. In about two hours, go to the hunter's archery range."

Startled, I asked why.

Carter grinned. "Every day except for the seventh, you have lessons with the hunters. All the first years do. They'll teach you how to fight. I'm assuming you don't want to go looking like that?"

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