Chapter Thirty Two: Flashback

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"Wait for me!" I said, practically giddy with excitement. I had just turned fourteen, running in the woods to escape my home and parents. Sora had pulled ahead of me, laughing as she skipped away.

"Okay, but hurry up," she called back. "I don't have all day!"

I watched her lithe form flit between the towering trees. We'd met on a hot summer day in the forest. The pond we were headed to was where I'd seen her then. Turns out that both of us had frequently visited it to get away.

I'd learned that she came from the Leonari family. She was high up in social status wise, while I, a farmer's daughter, was pretty much dirt. Regardless, we became fast friends. It was almost too much for me to believe; I, friends with a Leonari.

Our first meeting had been three months ago.

"Hah! I got you!" I shouted triumphantly, catching hold of Sora's hood, nearly tripping. "Now you have to slow down."

Sora struggled, giggling, and turned to grin at me. Her eyes danced with mischief.

Little did I know that her smile hid a much darker intent.

We both collapsed in the clearing where the pond lay, laughing ourselves silly. I spread my arms out in the soft grass. Sora flopped down next to me, gasping in short breaths. Her blonde curls lay like a halo around her, making her look angelic.

"So, what have your parents been up to this time?" Sora said lightly, her big blue eyes blinking innocently.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Father made me get up before dawn to plow the field after he made me stay up until midnight as punishment. Then Mother made me wake my brothers and do the laundry by hand. After that, when I asked for a break, they said just because it was birthday didn't mean I'd get any favors. As punishment, I had to go fill in the stream out back after Father hit me. Father had meant to do it himself, but they made me. What about you?"

"Oh, um, I had breakfast then went horseback riding," Sora replied hastily, her treatment a massive understatement to mine. "Speaking of that, why don't we go today? Your parents still think you're out in the markets, right?"

I nodded hesitantly, unsure, but Sora was ecstatic. "Then let's go! What are you waiting for?"

Shaking off my anxiety, I followed, brushing grass off my clothes. I didn't know how to ride well yet, I'd only learned a couple of days ago. But Sora had my back, so it'd be okay. As long as she was with me it'd be fine.

Scrambling after her, I called out, "One short ride, then I have to go home."

"Aw, your parents are really strict, aren't they? Okay fine, only one ride," Sora pouted, disappointed.

When the stable hands saw Sora, they immediately bowed and got out of our way. They'd even had her favorite steed ready and hurried to put the tack on for mine. A few of them shot dirty looks at us behind our backs, but I didn't notice.

Sora mounted her horse, beckoning for me to come. Less eager, I obeyed warily, not sure what to do, and waited for a cue from Sora. She waved me on and I guided my mare down the trail she'd chosen.

The sign read: "Danger: Ride at your own risk."

Seeing me pause, she assured me, saying, " Don't worry, I've been down it before. It's really not that bad. Come on, what're you waiting for?"

Urging my skittish horse on, I nervously called back, "I really don't think this is a good idea."

The trees all around were a sickly gray, the trail seemingly made of gravel. Shadows leered at us in the figurative sense. It grew darker as the sun traveled across the sky.

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