Chapter Sixteen: Training

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He was here.

Had an hour passed yet?

Nevertheless, I stood to open the door, slipping on my jacket and satchel. My hand rested on the doorknob, and I paused.

Taking a deep breath, I turned the handle, pushing the door open.

The boy who stood in the door was not what I expected, to say the least.

Messy dark brown hair that almost bordered on black fell over his eyes. His skin tone was the complete opposite of mine, rich and warm. He held himself confidently, no anxiety in his face whatsoever. And his eyes. His eyes were what surprised me the most. Dark shades of mahogany colored his two-toned eyes. One brown, one tan.

Reaching out a gloved hand, he greeted me with a quirk of his mouth. "Hey. I'm Carter. I'm assuming you're the new trainee?"

A witty reply shot out of my mouth before I could stop it. "I'm assuming you're the old apprentice?"

Carter looked stunned for a moment and I mentally slapped myself.

"Sorry, that was uncalled for," I said hastily, cursing me and my stupid mouth.

Then, to my relief, Carter only laughed.

He pointed at me, a sly grin on his face. "Good one. I have a feeling we're going to get along just fine. And you are?"

Calmly replying to cover my slip up, I tried for a small smile. "I'm Melody."

Carter rubbed his hands together. "Well then Melody, how about we get started on our tour?"

"Might as well, that's what you're here for, right?"

"Correct once again."

My fellow stable hand guided me around the large but manageable building.

While on tour, I asked various questions that I hoped didn't bother him too much.

"How many Delphai do you care for?"

Carter mulled over it. "We each care for roughly five as of now. Soon the old headmaster's going to leave, so you'll step in. Then again, the Delphai choose you, not the other way around. We'll see."

That answer left me more nervous than ever. What if the Delphai don't accept me? What will happen to me then?

He must've seen the anxiety on my face because Carter was quick to reassure me. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll be fine with you. You'll be a great stable hand, trust me."

Looking up at him, I tried for a smile.

Things might be looking up after all.

Once the tour was over and Carter had left after chatting for a bit, I sighed. Only a couple hours with him and he was like a brother already.

My stomach grumbled, which reminded me of dinner. Lunch had already passed, spent with the instructors before moving out of our old rooms.

I was about to head out when I noticed something.

Carter had left his cap in my room. He'd taken it off earlier and must've forgotten it.

Why was everyone always forgetting their stuff around me?

No biggie, I'd see him at dinner.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I headed out. I hadn't seen the others all day, so I was looking forward to meeting with them again.

As soon as I shoved the door leading outside open, a gust of wind knocked into me. The wind howled, and I knew getting to the dining hall wasn't going to be easy.

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