Chapter Thirty Four: Confusing Feelings

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Earlier, when Melody was still asleep:

. : Ash : .

I glanced at Melody again for the fifth time in twenty minutes.

Then I shook my head.

For the fifth time.

She looked so relaxed asleep. When she was awake, even when she was laughing there was worry hidden behind her eyes.

I caught myself stretching out a hand to brush the hair away from her face. I paused for a split second.

Should I?

My eyes closed briefly as I weighed the pros and cons for a split second.

I had nothing to lose.

As soon as I made contact, though, Melody shifted in her sleep, murmuring something that sounded like 'stop.'

A grin made its way to my face. Even in her sleep she still sounded annoyed.

The smile faded as I thought about her reaction when she'd seen Sora. What had happened that made them hate each other so much?

I'd ask her when she woke up.

If she woke up.

I tilted my head as I examined her face. Nah, she was too strong to be overcome by the cost of healing. She would have some explaining to do later since she was probably witnessing some of my memories by now.

A prickle of anxiety came to my attention.

What was she seeing?

Hopefully, it wasn't anything too serious, considering the things I'd seen in my childhood.

And why did I care?

I mulled it over, glancing at the book in my hands but not absorbing a single word. The words blurred and mashed together as I yawned. I'd stayed up far too long watching over her.

I knew why. I just wasn't about to admit it.

Let's just see what happens.

I cast Melody a questioning glance when she paused in the hallway. We were on the way to the dining hall and there was a turn ahead. I saw the tip of her fangs appear at the corners of her mouth as she unconsciously slipped into her semi-form.

What is it? I asked silently, not saying the words out loud. She'd understand.

She just shook her head and caught up with me.

I asked her another question to divert her attention, seeing her eyes flit back to a door in the hallway. After leaving her in the dining room, I saw her glare at her plate, then struggle to smooth her expression over.

With a sigh, I left, heading outside for a quick flight.

You're a terrible liar, Mel.

I shifted into my raven form, taking to the air effortlessly and using the time to mull over things. The air currents subtlely changed to hide me from sight and give me a view of the world below.


Her name rang in my head, echoing and growing louder with every minute that passed. My mind refused to let go of the simple word.


Though I couldn't fully grasp why she'd lost control of herself, I had a fraction of understanding of how it felt. The overwhelming feeling of being crushed, of needing to escape. It was a feeling I knew well.

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