Chapter Thirteen: Left or Right

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Flopping down on my bed I sighed wearily. A long day of sparring with Dakota and fending off Ray and Jerry's prying questions would tire anyone.

Dinner hadn't been very eventful. Just idle chatter with the others. Come to think of it, I haven't been talking with the other first-years. None of them had approached me. Nor had I gone to them.

Maybe I should go talk to them. Nah, if they'd wanted to, they would have earlier. Then again, the whole point was for me to start a new life. Make new friends. Find a trade that I'd enjoy. Begin again and reset.

How many other first-years were there again?

Two other girls and one boy. Doesn't leave many options.

Do I really want to meet them anyway? I already had Dakota, Brooke, Raymond, and Jeremy. They're enough, aren't they?

I came to the conclusion: I was okay as it was. No need to introduce myself unless it was a must. They'll do it on their own time.

A quiver of excitement and anxiety ran through me at the same time. Tomorrow would be the deciding factor.


Tick, tock.


Sleep came down over me like a blanket and I closed my eyes.


All around me were whispers and muted voices.

I was standing knee-deep in a stone-rimmed pool of water. The clear water lapped at my clothing, pulling me deeper. Far above my head, shadowy figures murmured.

The water rose, now up to my chest.

I couldn't move, but strangely I felt at peace.

Before I went under, I saw the raven from before swoop down, hovering above me.

Things would be alright. The raven was here, that was all that mattered.

Submerging in the chilled water, I sighed, bubbles escaping my mouth.

It was dawn when I woke from my dream. I only recalled bits and pieces. Something about rising tides and a bird.

Yawning, I got dressed, ready for today. Taking the animal figurine with me, I headed out.

Where was the event being held anyways?

Posing the question to a passing jackal, she answered kindly. "You're a bit early dear, but it'll be held in the wooded area. There's a path behind the hunters' quarters."

Turning, I called, "Thank you!" and shifted, figuring I'd get there faster as a wolf.

I'd saved a loaf of bread from dinner, so I satisfied my stomach once I reached the path.

Sniffing, I discovered recent trails, as well as a strange musky odor. Must be the instructors. Maybe some wild animal came along the path by accident. Who knew?

Tracking the scents with my nose, I stepped deeper and deeper into the forest.

Up ahead, the trail separated; one going left and one right. Now to pick.

Left? Or right?

I'll be smart and let my nose decide, I thought.

The scent trail distinctly went left. To the right, I heard chatting voices. Trust my gut. That's what Dakota had instructed.

So left I went.

This had better not be a mistake.

Fingering the wooden figure I'd brought along, I continued along on foot. The dark ominous wood shielded the undergrowth from sunlight. It was almost as if the light was afraid to enter this dark corner of the woods.

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