Chapter Twenty: The Hunters

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I gaped at him, his taut figure sprawled below me. For once my composure failed me, and I could tell Dakota was equally uncomfortable.

For a moment I thought I'd glimpsed a brief flicker of rage in Dakota's eyes. Raw hatred so strong that I paused.

No, it couldn't be.

It was Dakota after all.

"A little help here?" Dakota grunted, wincing. Whatever expression that had crossed his face earlier was gone.

Holding out a hand, I said nonchalantly, "When you told me the year before trained the first-years, this wasn't what I had imagined."

He shrugged, catching his breath. "Had I known how fast you really were, I wouldn't have signed up for this."

I helped the other hunters up, apologizing. If anything, the other three seemed to love the fact that I had beaten them.

"You got some moves! Who taught you that?" One admired.

"Girl you gotta teach me those sometime!" Another praised.

"Good job on taunting us while sparring. It created just the right amount of frustration to make us get all sloppy." The other commented intelligently.

The four of them, including Dakota, set up the next ambush for another unknowing first-year. I guess that was a sort of test that I had just passed.

Or did I pass?

Slow clapping reached me and I turned.

Head Huntress Rita was applauding me. "In all my years, I'd yet to see a first-year take down all four of my second-years until now. Let's see if your companions will fare the same way."

Like our last meeting, Rita held an air of command and mystery around her.

Just my luck.

Isaac glanced me up and down as if I had some secret. "I only got to two before the white fox landed a blow on me. He's really strong."

Rita's expression softened a fraction of an inch. "Yes, he's our top student."

Since I wanted to have a bird's eye view and not turn my back to the action, I got permission to hide out in the trees.

Concealing myself high up in an elm's sturdy branches, I hunkered down.

Soon enough, Tiana came by and was ambushed. She screamed for help and when no response came, curled up on the ground and waited for her fate.

Tick, tock.

Our Head Huntress was going to have a difficult time with her.

As the situation was explained to her, Tiana let out a resigned, "oh," and sat on the log. I saw Isaac comfort her. She smiled gratefully at him, seeming not to notice the shortening distance between them, and I stifled a laugh. Ray and Jerry weren't the only matchmakers now. Tiana and Isaac were just too cute.

Last but not least, Sylvia arrived, huffing in annoyance as usual.

When the four second years dropped down -- I'm not kidding -- I heard Sylvia scream, "You wait until my father hears of this. We'll see who's attacking who then!"

What, she thought saying that would stop a real attacker from gutting her? Oh, what a sweet, spoiled child you are, Sylvia.

Swinging down from the last branch, I hit the ground rolling. Standing, I walked over to where Sylvia was trying to chew out Rita.

Without much success, mind you.

"Who gave you the right to attack me while I was on my way here?! Just wait until my father hears of this!"

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