Chapter Fifty One: Tight Boundaries

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I knew as soon as I woke up that I'd been asleep for far longer than just a few hours.

Siting up, I briefly considered getting to my feet. A second later, I tried, only to slump back into the bed, wincing. My legs still weren't steady enough to hold my weight. I flexed my fingers, making sure my wounds hadn't reopened.

"Ash?" I called hesitantly, waiting for my vision to adjust to the dark room. "Ash, are you there?"

No reply.

Squinting my eyes in hope of making something out, I shifted into my semi-form, trying to make sense of the silence. It was pitch black all around no matter where I turned my head.


Then I blinked and felt a scratchy material against my eyes. A blindfold. Are you serious? Don't tell me I've been kidnapped again...

I was reaching up to remove the blindfold when I found out that my hands were tied behind my back against an object. Why had I not noticed before you ask? Maybe because it felt like I was swimming through syrup at the moment.

"Ash," I spoke again, taking an eternity to form the words and force them out. My head was spinning and there was a constant ache behind my eyes. " I?"

I couldn't hear anything abnormal so I should be alone in the room.

Moving slightly, I could feel the soft blanket slid over my lap, meaning I was still at the inn. So no one had kidnapped me or anything. I could make out Ash's faint scent still lingering in the room. He'd left quite a while ago, but recent enough to draw me to a conclusion.

Now getting a little irritated, I stretched out my fingers, looking for a way to undo the knots. No use. The knots were tight and spaced out so I had no chance of untying them.

Sighing in annoyance, I proceeded to shift into my wolf form. I slipped my paws out from under the rope and shifted back to my human form smoothly. Simple ropes couldn't keep me from escaping.

The blindfold had fallen off when I shifted and I blinked rapidly, taking in my surroundings.

I was right. I was still in the room that Ash had booked for us. Weak sunlight filtered through the window's curtain, casting a dusty glow on the room. Everything was generally untouched except for one thing.

All of Ash's belongings were gone. And mine were still in place.

My convictions grew stronger when I saw a note pinned to the door addressed to me. I slowly walked over to it, reaching out and unfolding the paper. Someone was going to pay if I was right about this.

Hey Mel,

I'm pretty sure you know who it is by now. Sorry about the whole 'tying you up' thing. It probably didn't stall you for that long but I have to make sure you're safe during the competition. If I hadn't done this you'd be out there right now and participating. You'll feel pretty dizzy until the medicine wears off, so sit tight and let us handle this. I'll see you soon.

Sorry again,


I hands shook violently and I had to restrain myself from crumbling up the note. Instead, I refolded and neatly tucked it back into my satchel. He'd have it coming for when I saw him later.

He'll be seeing me sooner than he expects.

But seriously, you had to drug me and tie me up to stop me from coming?!

Not cool, Ash, not cool.

Glancing around me, I examined my former bindings, storing the rope in my satchel too. It'd be a waste to leave it here. Probably give the next customers a heart attack too.

Now onto the matter of getting out of here.

I tried the doorknob, already knowing what'd happen. It was locked. Scanning the room, my gaze fell on the window. I took out Ash's note again and flipped it over to the back.

P.S: Please don't break the window, Mel. I don't want to pay for it.

Alright fine, I'll give him that. I mean, I could break it and make Sora pay for it in his place. The cost wouldn't make a dent in her inheritance anyway. But since he asked, I wouldn't.

Any other escape routes?

Besides the window and breaking down walls -- which I probably couldn't do anyway -- there weren't any other visible solutions. To be honest, Ash mostly likely planned for this beforehand, making sure it'd be hard for me to get out.

Okay, you know what, I might as well let go of my pride for a bit and try the door again.

By try, I meant banging on it repeatedly, hoping someone would notice eventually. Or just get so annoyed that they'd come and yell at me.

After a few minutes of erratic and loud slams, I heard someone pound up the stairs, muttering things I shouldn't write down.

"Hey!" I yelled, anxious to be at -- or join -- the competition. "Is anyone there?! Can someone let me out?!"

"Quiet down in there!" The angry reply came. Whoever it was stood right outside the door but made no move to open the door. "If you don't shut up I'll keep you locked up in there longer!"


"Wait," I spoke slowly. "What do you mean longer?"

"Some Avian paid me to keep you in there until tomorrow night, so you better sit tight!"

Ash paid him to keep me in here?!

Alright if that's how it was going to be, then I was going to break the promise I'd made. He'd gone a step too far.

"Fine," I replied sadly, pretending to be defeated. "Just let me out after time's up, please?"

"And not a second before," the response came quickly and soon after there were footsteps going back down the stairs.

Jeez, how much did they pay him?

Never mind, it doesn't matter. I just had to get to the competition as fast as possible. Which meant breaking the window I'd promised not to. Desperate times called for desperate measures.

That was the saying, right?

Cautiously stepping over to the small window, I pushed the curtains aside. Looking out, I saw the wall of the building next to the inn.

It's doable, I thought. The wall is far enough so when I jump out I won't hit it. I'd also rather not break my ribs today. 

Preferably, of course. If I had to, I would.

Usually, I would just, straight out, break the window into a million pieces and be done with it. Since I'd prefer to keep it intact -- if only for Ash's sake -- this time, I'd just have to figure out how to dismantle it from its frame.

I ran the tips of my fingers along the edge of the seam that connected the window to the wall. Maybe I could use my knife...

I strapped up all my items, not planning on returning once I left. Reaching behind me without looking, I grasped the hilt of my shorter knife and unsheathed it. Twisting it in my hand, I dug the tip into the seam.

Once I had fully traced the outline of the seam, I put my dagger away. Reaching out, I carefully lifted the glass pane and set it down on the floor. Now, all that the innkeeper had to pay for was the adhesive, not the entire window.

I think that was being considerate, compared to what I usually did.

That aside, all I had to do now was jump out and somehow get to the competition.

Steeling myself for what I was about to do, I took in a deep breath. Gripping the ledge tightly, I shut my eyes for a moment.

Then I launched my body forward and out the now empty window frame.

(Side Note: Any comments on what Ash did? Was he right/reasonable to do so? Tell me in the comments and thanks again for all the support!)

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