Chapter Forty Four: Dominance Game

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This was bad. Really, really bad.

Snarls reached me from where I was perched on my tree. I saw eyes glaring up at me from the ground and a chill ran down my spine.

These weren't normal wolves. Which would also explain why the urge to submit myself was so strong. Some sort of magic was enhancing my emotions and hastening me to act recklessly.

Whatever they were, I had to get out of here. This was a really bad idea.

Yeah, now I admit it.

I glanced around me for any escape routes. Could I jump from this tree to another? I doubt it. Even if I was able to climb trees, I wasn't a squirrel. A jump from here or even lower could kill me.

Another low, almost soft, growl floated up and I shivered. Some primal instinct in me lit up in recognition.

That was the Alpha.

Or one of the Alphas.

Keenly listening while trying to formulate a plan, I tried to steady my racing heart. If I panicked now, then I was done for. I had to think clearly.

Okay, so the other trees were out of reach. What else can I use?

Raising my nose to the air, I breathed in deeply, seeing if I could pinpoint the location of the river I'd sensed earlier. If I could get access to water, then that'd be a big advantage.

But I'd already strayed too far from the edge of the forest and the river wasn't anywhere in sight or smell.

Another option gone. It was nearly day two.

Tick tock.

Move to the next escape route, Mel. Hurry up.

Alright, what's next?

Mind racing, I glanced at the ground again. Could I possibly fight them off? As soon as I asked myself that, I was met with an answer.

No, I couldn't possibly fight them all.

There were at least, what, five of them that I could see? Not even counting the Alphas. I'd be overpowered instantly, and since these weren't your run-of-the-mill wolves, who knew what they could do.

I didn't want to hurt animals so similar to myself anyways. I'd be like hurting my own kind.

I was pretty much out of options.

Nevertheless, I couldn't stay in this tree forever. I hadn't even brought provisions along with me, being broke and all. Yeah, I'd definitely thought this through.

Glancing cautiously down below me, I climbed a few branches down.

What choice did I have?

I paused, breathing heavily though I hadn't done much work at all. My heart pounded in my ears and I was certain that the wolves could smell my fear.

Calm down. Play the dominance game. Play and win.

The clouds shifted silently, sending beams of moonlight onto the Alpha male. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, saliva hanging from his fangs. The male's hackles were raised, his tail stiff and curving over his back. Pale yellow eyes glared at me. pinning me in place.

The Alpha's presence was overwhelming, telling me to obey, to submit myself.

Obey him.

No, don't!

It's the only way.

My instincts went to war with each other, each sending me different information and actions that I should take. The wolf half of me begged to submit while the human half wished to remain loyal to my own pack.

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