Chapter Forty Eight: The Deal

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Hoping "What?!" I exclaimed, completely dumbfounded. "Tomorrow night?!"

Ash nodded. Almost as if he knew what I'd be up to, he gave me a pointed look. "Don't even think about it."

"But -- " I started.


"I have to go. I can't just sit back."

"You're injuries still need to heal. If you overwork yourself, I can't say for sure what'd happen."

Ash wasn't taking no for an answer. "Leave it to the rest of us."

I glared at the ground, furious. First I lose the book, and now I can't even participate in the competition? I had to make it up somehow. I had to join.

This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

Ash handed me my breakfast -- or I guess lunch -- for the day. I ate quickly as I walked along, too anxious to really taste what I was putting in my mouth..

Well, if I decide to anyway, he exactly can't stop me...

Ash cut into my thoughts. "If you try to join the competition I will personally tie you to a chair and leave you at the inn. Just don't."

I changed the subject abruptly. "Do you know where Sora and Dakota are?"

He shook his head. "Haven't seen them."

Suddenly a shadow flickered in the corner of my eye. I twisted my neck to see it disappear down a gloomy ally. The banner swayed slightly as it passed. If that's who I thought it was...

"Be right back," I said to Ash.

Then I turned and sprinted off in the direction the shadow took off. Wincing at the pain, I tried to ignore it, shrugging off Ash's confused calls.

"Melody you shouldn't be -- " Ash yelled after me, trying to keep up.

"I know, I know!" I replied in a rush. "But there's no time to explain! Just follow me!"

I heard an annoyed huff from behind me and hid a small smile. Even when he was mad, it seemed like he couldn't leave me be. Probably because I was doing something stupid and reckless right now.

Letting out a quiet hiss of pain, I took a sharp turn, chasing after the elusive shadow. Ignore it, ignore it. If you can survive being beaten by your parents, this should be a cinch.

Ash was starting to slow as he ran. Even when I was injured, my wolf stamina kept me going. There was a small gust of wind as Ash shifted into his raven form and followed from the sky.

Or at least that's what I thought he was doing.

He could've been flying away for all I knew. Most likely because he was fed up with me.

When I thought of that, I felt a pain in my chest for some reason. When I thought of when we would go our separate paths...

Focus! An instinct in my shouted.

I avoided crashing into a stack of crates by the skin of my teeth. That was close.

The shadow was getting closer now, and I could now make out the flutter of the blindfold's cloth.

So it was him. The thief.

I'd get that book back no matter what.

He was close enough to grab now and I reached out a hand. Just as I was about to grab hold of his arm, something exploded in my face.

What the?!

Coughing violently, I gasped as tears streamed out of the corners of my eyes. Whatever substance that was, it felt like it was burning. My throat itched and I tried to stop inhaling the smoke.

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