Chapter Fifty Nine: Hidden Waterfall

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I stared up at the shadows, counting for the seventh time all the cracks in the wall.

It was the middle of the night in this warped place but I couldn't fall asleep. I'd rested for a while after I'd arrived in my room but now I was wide awake and alert.

With a sigh, I gave in to the fact that I wasn't going to sleep anymore for the night.

Sitting up on the bed, I swung my legs over the side and slid into my boots. I sling my satchel over my shoulder and slowly creaked the door open. After a quick peek on either side of the tunnel hallway, I slipped away.

Might as well explore the place if I'm going to be here for the next few days. I didn't want any surprises when training started.

Then again, my trainer was a man who scared stuck-up Sora, tamed unruly Jinx, and fooled Ash.

It was worth a shot.

I crept down the hall, stopping to leave a faint scratch mark on the wall every few paces to make sure I didn't get lost. My sense of smell would lead be back anyway.

My footsteps quietly echoed off the sloping stone walls. I shifted into my semi-form to get better bearings.

I paused, sensing something unexpected.

The smell of water was in the air, clean, crisp, and inviting. It floated down the tunnel and soon I could hear the roar of a waterfall. Eerie pale blue lights reflected off the walls.

I turned around a corner and emerged to see a spectacular sight.

Water rushed and tumbled down a cliff that rose high in the cave. The waterfall peaked, crashing down some lengths to flow into a deep pool below. The river continued on, meandering off into the tunnels before rounding a bend and disappearing. The platform my feet were on stretched out before dropping into the ravine the water flowed into. The pale light was coming from blue speckled mushrooms dotting the slick rocks in clusters.

The cool spray misted my clothing and face. The was a set of rocks that led in a steep stairway down and I stared for it.

I held my arms out to balance on the slippery boulders, relying on my instinct to ensure my safety. A few times I almost slipped, but for the most part I was steady.

Reaching the bottom, I slid over the last couple of rocks with a shout. I looked around but no one appeared to have heard me.

I sat on a rock, thinking and watching the water burble past. Sometimes I wanted to take hold of it, but other times I just rested and appreciated the view.

I took a deep breath, reflecting on what I'd admitted to myself earlier. Ash.

Ash, who had saved me countless times and still thought I was strong. Ash, who had supported me even when I was wrong and he was trying to tell me what was right. Ash, who's quiet laugh stirred something in me that Dakota hadn't, even when he'd just been a fellow tribesman.

Ash, who'd glimpsed the deepest, darkest part of my soul and had stayed by my side.

My face blushed red and I took off my boots and stuck them in the water to cool down. Tiny, silver flashing fish nipped at my ankles and I smiled faintly.

Any slight movement scared them off but they kept coming back to explore. Curiosity still got better of them, even when I could catch them without a second thought.

I sighed, standing and beginning to remove my outer clothing. I hadn't taken a shower or cleaned myself in any way in a while and I felt grimy.

Left in my underclothes, I stepped into the deeper part of the pool. I swam, dunking my head under the water every now and then. There was an underwater ledge below the gentler part of the waterfall and I sat on it.

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