Chapter Twenty Two: Meeting Him

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Glancing left and right, I hurried up the trail. I was trying not to jostle the baby animal too much, but it was difficult while running. Possibly running for my life.

Why hadn't I taken a Delphai with me?

The sun hadn't set yet, but my heart sank. I wasn't going to make it back before night fell.

But I had to try.

Faster and faster I traveled, clearing logs and sticking to the winding trail. The sun was quickly disappearing over the horizon.

Tick - tick - tock.

Hang in there little Delphai.

It was getting harder and harder to see the path. I couldn't keep up with this. If I tripped, both me and the Delphai would be done for. I had no choice but to slow my pace.

Why did it seem like joining the Lupine had caused more trouble for me?

The sun had set. My fate was sealed.

And the Predators came out to play.

Shadows flitted among the branches, mocking me with raspy laughs. Slithering, whispering, scurrying, the Predators surrounded me.

"Well, what do we have here?" One murky form hissed in my ear.

Growling, I backed away, but the monsters moved closer. Fear surged through me, and I felt my body trembling. What were these hideous monsters doing alive?

Another shadow emitted a giggle, screeching out a choked rhyme. "Little Lupine got herself lost! Chosen one now in our hands! Master will be pleased, very pleased. Four to come, four to come. Four we will capture and take to our master."

Its singing combined with the eerie words chilled me to the bone. I wondered now if Carter knew how serious his warning was. Did he possibly understand that his joke had become real?

The Predators circled closer, murmuring to themselves. I felt myself sinking into the ground, but couldn't move. I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my mouth.

I was trapped.

The whispers grew louder, and I wanted to cover my ears to block out the noise.

I sank faster into the ground; the mud was up to my shins now. I had to get out of here, but my body wouldn't obey me.

Tick, tock.

A clawed hand reached out, scaly fingers running a nail down my face. I withdrew, my startling red blood still on its scales.

Hunting, searching my memory for help, my mind flickered back to that peculiar dream.

I remembered all the details now, the raven, the figures . . .and the rising water. It was far fetched, but I had to try. I had to do it for the Delphai's sake and my own.

Water. I needed water. Where?

The raven from before suddenly flew into my line of sight, its beady eyes staring at me. Circling over a nearby stone put, it glared as if it was waiting. Its expression conveyed the message well.

What are you waiting for?

The mud had risen to my thighs, and the baby Delphai bleated in alarm.

Now it was a battle of wills.

I pushed against the boundaries controlling my actions. Mentally battering walls blocking me, I broke through and raised a hand slowly.

The Predators shifted uncertainly, glancing at one another. Yeah that's right, be scared.

Cradling the baby, I suddenly felt a surge of power, severing the monsters hold. A few actually cried out in pain and I gave them a satisfied smirk. That's what you get for trying to capture me you sadistic disgraces of nature.

Ramming through the crowd, I sprinted to the huge pit, shivering. Every time I came into contact with the shadowy creatures, I felt ice-cold, like my soul was freezing over.

The raven flew towards me, cawing. Its unearthly croak disturbed the Predators as they advanced. At least I had one ally.

Scampering down the smooth stone steps, I ventured into the impossibly deep pit. It was like walking straight into a dream. Or rather reenacting one.

I paused, before the raven's cry got me running again. Get moving Mel! Time for this later, but you have to survive first!

Reaching the bottom of the pit, I gasped, breathing hard. Shallow water lapped at my heels, and I remembered the dream.

Rising water. I had to make it rise.

How in the world would I do that?

So far, the dream was going according to plan, but now I was stumped. The Predators gathered at the mouth of the yawning pit. My raven friend cawed, flying above the well.

What had caused the water to rise in the first place?

The answer avoided me, but I was getting close.

I could feel it.

Then one of the monsters cackled something that made me snap.

"If the little Lupine won't come out, we find little Lupine's friends and capture them. Start with the foxy, then to the wolfy . . ."

Pro-tip for you, never threaten my friends. Not unless you want your teeth kicked in.

It continued on, making my blood boil, and my vision haze over in red. "Then we make little Lupine watch as we take their souls! That will make little Lupine come out!"

I snarled in a low, dangerous tone. "You know what will make little Lupine mad? Don't touch my friends."

Rage burned through me, and the water started to quickly rise. My anger fueled my power, channeling into control. The Predators backed away, confused and terrified.

Raising an arm, I created a whirlpool, rising with the water. I towered over the shadowy monsters. The wind whipped around me, and I held the Delphai close. My fury wasn't burned out yet, though. When the Predators attempted to run, I lashed out, manifesting walls of water that blocked their paths. The water began to glow as it closed in on the creatures. With a swift jerk of my fist, the water converged. When the Predators touched it, they shrieked and turned into dust, which was swept away by the wind.

That's one problem solved.

Slowly calming down, I let the water fall back into its original position.

Touching down on the ground, I felt the sudden sweep of exhaustion that came with the use of this new-found power.

Speaking of new-found powers . . .What the heck was going on?

I stood in puzzled shock. The baby Delphai I had rescued wriggled out of my arms and stood on four sturdy legs. I glanced at him, still numb, and wondered how he was walking already.

A haze darkened the edges of my vision and my knees buckled. My raven friend flew low to the ground in my direction.

This was too much, way too much.

In half a day, my life had been turned upside down.

Just as I was about to fall, the raven transformed into a serious, gray-eyed boy. He raced forward and caught me as I lost consciousness.

The bird had just turned into a boy.

What the heck?

What was an Avian doing on Lupine territory?

"Who are you?" I managed to say, closing my eyes. I needed answers.

The boy looked at me in concern. "It's going to be alright, don't worry. My name is Ash, I'll tell you more later, but for now we have to get out of here."

I felt him slip another arm under my legs and hoist me up. He started running, and my eyes dropped shut.

I just hoped that he was on my side.

(Side Note: And we're back onto the main plot! It's been quite a ride so far, hasn't it? Well, maybe not so much, but not it's going to get serious. I've published a couple of chapters of the new book I mentioned, The Forsaken. If you have time, go check it out while you wait for the next post. I'm probably going to update both books on Wednesday this spring break if I have time. I'll still update next Sunday as well.)

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