Chapter Twenty Five: Yes or No

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I gave Ash an incredulous look.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Ash looked as if I had slapped him. "What?"

"Look, I know this all seems real, but what proof do you have? Some ancient books? Even if it is true, why choose me? And the end of the world? Please."

Looking frustrated, Ash ran a hand through his hair. "I don't think you understand. I've been having visions since that day the Predators attacked. They all point to the destruction of the earth as we know it."

I held up a hand to stop him. "Explain to me why, then, the great and wise five gifted a worthless teenage girl this power. Who in their right mind would choose me?"

Ash shrugged, but still looked determined. "I don't know, to be honest, but they chose you, whether you like it or not. If you want proof, I'll wake us up and show you."

"Wake me up?" I backed away, suspicious that he'd try something again.

He handed me a pill and grinned. "Don't worry. I won't pull a stunt like that again." Ash raised both eyebrows. "Unless you want me to."

Making a face at him, I stuffed the pill in my mouth. "Let's forget that ever happened."

"If you say so."

The world around me disappeared and I just wanted to be back in my own body again.

I opened my eyes once again to find myself in Ash's bed.

Scrambling out, I saw Ash's infuriating smirk, but his face grew grimmer. "I said that I had proof. And I didn't lie. Come over here and I'll show you."

Cautiously walking over, I followed as Ash beckoned outside. "It's the middle of summer, when everything should be growing and stuff, right? Well take a look at this."

Ash pointed to a nearby flower. Its petals were graying, and in a matter of seconds, it completely disintegrated. A foul stench arose, reminding me of the Predator's inhuman smell.

"You see?" Ash said, his eyes narrowed. "They're destroying this world already. And they won't stop until everything's gone. Melody, we need to find the other three before it's too late."

Pursing my lips, I was about to reply when a distant scream halted me.

Ash's face went white. "They're back. That was from your camp."

Snapping out of my stupor, I ran to the mouth of the cave. "We have to help them! I can't sit here and watch!"

A hand rested on my shoulder. Ash's expression bordered on murderous. "I know. Let's move."

We both shifted. Ash flew overhead and I raced as fast as I could to the camp.

Everything in me screamed, 'my fault, my fault, my fault,' but I pushed those feelings down. The camp needed me. The tribe needed me.

My friends needed me.

And I wasn't going to let them down this time.

The shouts grew louder, as did the horrifying sounds of agony. The Predators were stealing the Lupine's souls.

No, no, NO.

We arrived on the scene to see a Predator tighten its hold on Ray.

"Stop!" I screamed, but it was too late.

I stood frozen as the Predator opened its vacuum-like mouth wide and inhaled. A whitish substance was sucked in, never to be seen again. His soul.

Ash shifted midair, rolling and unsheathing a sword. With a single slash, he expelled the predator, summoning wind to blow the dust away.

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