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I can't believe it's finished! Book one is done!

Whew now I can take a break, kick my feet up, live my life --

HAHAHA, not a chance.

I still got book two to write and I'm roughly 0% done right now. I'll be working on it over summer and we'll see how that goes.

So yes, book two will be a thing. 



I'm tired, guys, give me a couple of months, I can't write as fast and get so much inspiration like those really cool, really awesome writers on Wattpad who have like seven completed books or something.


I really couldn't have made it all the way here without all my precious readers and supporters.

Shout out to @aylar_az  for always combing through my stories to find my spelling errors or grammar mistakes!

Give it up for @Jaysco for being my first reader when this book was still in written format in a notebook! Jaysco has a few stories going, check them out if you have time!

Three cheers for @bewitchedd_ another one of my first few readers of this story. Bewitchedd also has a story going on, it's really good and I recommend it if you want some fantasy adventure in your book diet!

@FirePhoenixRises, @Mamabear51990, thank you for being great friends and also supporting me on this journey!

Alright, whew.

Look out for book two...whenever it gets here.

~Rasha Hacings

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